
This repository includes the symbolic regression algorithms: genetic programming (GP) and transfer learning capable symbolic regression (TLC-SR).

Primary LanguagePython

Transfer Learning Capable Symbolic Regression (TLC-SR)

This is the readme file for Transfer Learning Capable Symbolic Regression (TLC-SR). TLC-SR trains a recurrent neural network to perform symbolic regression on multiple datasets.


Create the environmental $TLCSR_DATA. Data generated from the algorithm will be stored at this location.

My Settings

I can run this on mac using python 3.7.4. These scripts require the following packages: pycma, numpy, pandas, networkx, and keras (with tensorflow backend). I am currently using the following versions of these packages:

Package Version
pycma 2.7.0
numpy 1.17.1
pandas 0.25.1
networkx 2.3
Keras 2.3.1
tensorflow 1.15.0

Running the Algorithm

Data generated during training will be stored in $TLCSR_DATA/experiment<exp>/ where <exp> is the experiment number which you will specify when running the algorithm. To train TLC-SR network run

python3 run_tlcsr.py <rep> <exp> --use_benchmarks --test_index <index> --use_kexpressions --simultaneous_targets

where <rep> and <exp> are positive integers corresponding to the experiment number and the repetition number inside that experiment and <index> is the index to the list of target functions, which chooses the test function. These numbers will be included in output filenames and/or locations.

Similarly, to run the control experiment -- genetic programming (GP) with age-fitness pareto optimization (AFPO) -- use the following command

python3 run_tlcsr.py <rep> <exp> --use_benchmarks --test_index <index> --use_kexpressions --simultaneous_targets --genetic_programming

To recreate my results exactly use <exp> = 25 and repeat for <rep> = 0 through <rep> = 29 and repeat again for <index> = 0 through <index> = 5.