
Infinite scroll in Angular JS backed by Spring boot api

Primary LanguageHTML

Steps to run this application on your system

  • Clone repository to your system using git clone git@github.com:mahendrabagul/causecode-challenge.git
  • This needs to have installed Maven 3.x and Java on your machine.
  • Traverse to the root directory of project [ProductsScrollerServer/] (where pom.xml is present)
  • Now, mvn jetty:run from terminal.
  • Your server will get started and the url will be http://localhost:8181/ProductsScrollerServer
  • Now, copy project [ProductsScrollerClient] and paste it in any server folder(e.g. XAMPP->htdocs, WAMP->www, LAMP->www)
  • You can see output on the url of project [ProductsScrollerClient].
  • Url will be** http://localhost:[PORT]/ProductsScrollerClient/**

Please contact me if you face any problem.

Thanks, Mahendra Bagul