
Simple ToDo App with GetX in Clean Architecture

Primary LanguageDart

Simple Todo App

A simple Todo app built with Flutter and GetX, demonstrating clean architecture and best practices.


This project is a basic Todo app that allows users to create and manage their tasks. It follows clean architecture principles and uses GetX for state management and dependency injection.


  • Create new tasks
  • Mark tasks as complete/incomplete
  • Delete tasks
  • Persistent storage
  • Clean architecture
  • Unit tests

Packages Used

Architecture Structure

The project follows a clean architecture structure and is organized into the following main directories:

│   ├───core/
│   │   ├───constants/
│   │   ├───utils/
│   │   └───extensions/
│   │───infrastructure/
│   │   ├───data/
│   │   │   │   └───local_todo_data_source.dart
│   │   │   └───repositories/
│   │   │       ├───todo_repository_impl.dart
│   │   │       └───todo_repository.dart
│   │   └───navigation/
│   │        └───routes.dart
│   ├───domain/
│   │   ├───entities/
│   │   │   └───todo_model.dart
│   │   └───uses_cases/
│   │       ├───add_todo_use_case.dart
│   │       ├───get_todo_use_case.dart
│   │       ├───save_todos_use_case.dart
│   │       └───toggle_complete_todo_use_case.dart
│   └───presentation/
│       ├───bindings/
│       │   └───todo_bindings.dart
│       ├───controllers/
│       │   ├───loading.controller.dart
│       │   └───todo.controller.dart
│       ├───pages/
│       │   ├───home_page.dart
│       │   └───main.dart
│       └───widgets/
│           └───todo_list_item_widget.dart
│   └───todo_controller_test.dart
  • domain: Contains entities, use cases, and repository interfaces
  • data: Contains repository implementations and data sources
  • presentation: Contains UI-related code, including widgets, controllers, and views
  • core: Contains utility classes, constants, and other shared code
  • infrastructure: Contains data, and navigation code

The app uses the following use cases:

  • AddTodoUseCase: Add a new task to the list
  • GetTodosUseCase: Retrieve all tasks from storage
  • SaveTodosUseCase: Save all tasks to storage
  • ToggleCompleteTodoUseCase: Mark a task as complete/incomplete

How to Run the App

  1. Clone the repository:

bashCopy code

git clone https://github.com/yourusername/simple_todo_app.git

  1. Change directory to the project root:

bashCopy code

cd simple_todo_app

  1. Install dependencies:

csharpCopy code

flutter pub get

  1. Run the app on an emulator or a physical device:

Copy code

flutter run


Feel free to contribute to this project by opening issues, submitting pull requests, or providing feedback. Your contributions are always welcome!