
My VIM tutorial, cheatsheet and configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script


This my repository to learn and configure VIM. This repitory consist of 3 parts:

  1. Learn VIM

  2. VIM cheatsheet

  3. VIM config

I used vim for simple editing commands. For large project (Python, Latex), I prefer to use VScode.

Learn VIM

  1. VIMtutor First, you should install vim and vim-runtime. In Ubuntu,
$ sudo apt install vim vim-runtime
$ vimtutor

Follow the steps there, repeat until you master it.

  1. Pro-VIM-Tips This Example from Yes, I Know IT / It's FOSS article https://itsfoss.com/?p=14419

Each example come with the original text (.orig) and a Bash script (.sh) invoking Vim with the command illustrated in the article.

After processing, the script launches vimdiff to compare before/after files.

You can quit vimdiff using :qa!

VIM cheatsheet

There are two cheatsheet available in the cheatsheet directory:

  1. vim-cheatsheet.md
  2. vim-cheat-sheet-en.pdf

Reference for the cheatsheet.md:

VIM config

In the directory config, there is a .vimrc file that I used to configure my VIM. Mostly I works on Python, Latex and Octave, therefor the config is intended to optimize those languages. I modify these .vimrc file from fisa-vim-config repository. The detail is given in the directory.


  • 2019-06-28:
    • Update to VIM 8
    • install Kite for python completion
  • 2019-09-12:
    • Use fisadev to make .vimrc (disable colorscheme and neocomplcache)
  • 2019-12-20:
    • Back to plain .vimrc (only use Kite, vimtex, etc)
  • 2021-05-11:
    • simplify; add information for using vim for simple editing