
masd: machinery anomalous sound detection

Primary LanguagePython

Anomaly sound detection with CCC Loss function

Downloading dataset

First, you need to download the IDMT and MIMII datasets. I located these data inside data directory. If you locate them elsewhere, you need to adjust those paths (in baseline.py).

Link for download:


The code is tested to works on Python 3.8; Python versions higher than 3.8 should works too althouth it is not tested. The following requirements installation is only to make work with my GPU and Python version. As long as all required libraries can be installed, there should be no problem to run the program.

pip install -r requirements.txt # gpu
pip install -r requirements-cpu.txt # cpu

Running the code

IDMT works out of the box with default MSE loss. You only need to run baseline4.py.

$ python baseline5.py
The error threshold is set to be:  100.9849967956543
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

      Normal       0.99      0.70      0.82       669
     Anomaly       0.77      0.99      0.87       665

    accuracy                           0.85      1334
   macro avg       0.88      0.85      0.84      1334
weighted avg       0.88      0.85      0.84      1334

Confusion Matrix
[[468 201]
 [  5 660]]
AUC:  0.8907133304112299
PAUC:  0.6234260420936694
Execution time: 39060.11 seconds

If you want to evaluate the MIMII dataset, then use the argument --dataset mimii. If you want to use CCC loss function, then use argument --loss ccc. Finally, there is an option to use reassigned spectrogram feature in addition to the melspectrogram. Use argument--feature reassigned. By default, loss history, distribution of errors, and confusion matrix are not shown. Use argument--plot to show these figures.

$ python baseline5.py --dataset mimii --loss ccc --feature reassigned

# Options:
  --dataset DATASET  Dataset to use for training and testing  {idmt, mimii}
  --feature FEATURE  Feature type to use for training and testing {mel, reassigned}
  --loss LOSS        Loss function to use for training the model {mse, ccc, mae, mape}
  --plot             Flag to plot the training loss (store true if flagged)
  --seed SEED        Seed number (default to 42)


Since I utilized GPU for training, the results is not reproducible. However, the results should be similar to the following if using CPU.

# ./baseline5.py  # CPU
The error threshold is set to be:  107.05306549072266
            precision    recall  f1-score   support

    Normal       0.95      0.72      0.82       669
   Anomaly       0.78      0.96      0.86       665

  accuracy                           0.84      1334
 macro avg       0.86      0.84      0.84      1334
weighted avg       0.86      0.84      0.84      1334

Confusion Matrix
[[485 184]
[ 27 638]]
AUC:  0.8304168492981331
PAUC:  0.553538081692312

# ./run_mimii.sh # CPU
The error threshold is set to be:  624.5870361328125
            precision    recall  f1-score   support

    Normal       0.84      0.78      0.81       138
   Anomaly       0.79      0.86      0.82       138

  accuracy                           0.82       276
 macro avg       0.82      0.82      0.81       276
weighted avg       0.82      0.82      0.81       276

Confusion Matrix
[[107  31]
[ 20 118]]
AUC:  0.8997584541062801
PAUC:  0.8226268254126179



  1. https://github.com/naveed88375/AI-ML/tree/master/Anomaly%20Detection%20in%20Industrial%20Equipment