A repository for the paper "On The Differences Between Song and Speech Emotion Recognition: Effect of Feature Sets, Feature Types, and Classifier"
by Bagus Tris Atmaja, Email: bagus@ep.its.ac.id
This paper has been published in TENCON 2020.
In this paper, we argue that singing voice (song) is more emotional than speech. We evaluate different features sets, feature types, and classifiers on both song and speech emotion recognition. Three feature sets: GeMAPS, pyAudioAnalysis, and LibROSA; two feature types, low-level descriptors and high-level statistical functions; and four classifiers: multilayer perceptron, LSTM, GRU, and convolution neural networks; are examined on both song and speech data with the same parameter values. The results show no remarkable difference between song and speech data on using the same method. Comparisons of two results reveal that song is more emotional than speech. In addition, high-level statistical functions of acoustic features gained higher performance than low-level descriptors in this classification task. This result strengthens the previous finding on the regression task which reported the advantage use of high-level features.
Briefly describe the software that was written to produce the results of this paper.
All source code used to generate the results and figures in the paper are in
the code
The calculations and figure generation are all run inside
Jupyter notebooks.
The data used in this study is provided in data
and the sources for the
manuscript text and figures are in manuscript
Results generated by the code are saved in results
See the README.md
files in each directory for a full description.
You can download a copy of all the files in this repository by cloning the git repository:
git clone https://github.com/bagustris/ravdess_song_speech.git
The formal paper is available at 10.1109/TENCON50793.2020.9293852
You'll need a working Python environment to run the code.
The recommended way to set up your environment is through the
Anaconda Python distribution which
provides the conda
package manager.
Anaconda can be installed in your user directory and does not interfere with
the system Python installation.
The required dependencies are specified in the file requirements.txt
We use pip
virtual environments to manage the project dependencies in
Thus, you can install our dependencies without causing conflicts with your
setup (even with different Python versions).
Run the following command in the repository folder (where environment.yml
is located) to create a separate environment and install all required
dependencies in it:
pip3.6 venv REPO_NAME
Before running any code you must activate the python environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Then, start IPython (install it first when not installed).
To reproduce result, run the following codes in code
in order:
# First download the dataset (speech and song)
# https://zenodo.org/record/1188976#.YNVyo3UzZ1Y
# run feature extraction, e.g.,
run extract_librosa_lld_hsf.py
# run classification program, e.g, song emotion recognition with LSTM and HSF
run song_librosa_hsf.py
# to plot confusion matrix, uncomment bottom part of previous code
# to experiment with different classifier, e.g
run song_librosa_hsf
There is two *.npy files in the code
directory to experiment with. Move these
files into data
directory first or adjust the related code (.py file)
All source code is made available under a BSD 3-clause license. You can freely
use and modify the code, without warranty, so long as you provide attribution
to the authors. See LICENSE.md
for the full license text.
The manuscript text is not open source. The authors reserve the rights to the article content, which is currently submitted for publication in the JOURNAL NAME.
Please cite this work as:
B. T. Atmaja and M. Akagi, “On The Differences Between Song and Speech Emotion
Recognition: Effect of Feature Sets, Feature Types, and Classifiers,”
in 2020 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE (TENCON), 2020, pp. 968–972.