Bürokratt's Chat Bot


This repo will primarily contain:

  1. Architectural and other documentation;
  2. Docker Compose file to set up and run Bürokratt's Chat Bot as a fully functional service;

Dev setup

  • Clone Ruuter
  • For Apple Silicon, replace Ruuter's Dockerfile line and add platform specification FROM --platform=linux/amd64 openjdk:17-jdk-alpine
  • Ruuter has an unresolved issue with allowing cross-origin credentials to be sent, for now fix this by adding: .allowCredentials(true); to line 24 in CORSConfiguration.java
  • Navigate to Ruuter and build the image docker build -t ruuter .
  • Clone Resql
  • Navigate to Resql and build the image docker build -t resql .
  • Clone Data Mapper
  • Navigate to Data Mapper and build the image docker build -t datamapper-node .
  • Clone TIM
  • Go to src -> main -> resources -> application.properties & modify security.allowlist.jwt value to security.allowlist.jwt=ruuter-v1-public,ruuter-v1-private,ruuter-v2-private,ruuter-v2-public,dmapper,resql,tim,tim-postgresql,chat-widget,customer-service,,::1
  • Go to src -> main -> resources -> application.properties & add auth.success.redirect.whitelist=http://localhost:8085,http://localhost:8085/auth/callback
  • Navigate to TIM and build the image docker build -t tim .
  • Clone Chat Widget
  • build chat widget image docker build -f Dockerfile.dev -t chat-widget .
  • Clone Customer Service
  • build chat widget image docker build -f Dockerfile.dev -t customer-service .
  • Install Python
  • Navigate to setup and run python3 generate-certs.py
  • Navigate to current repo and run docker-compose up -d
  • Go to http://localhost:3004/et/dev-auth

Database setup

  • For setting up the database initially, run docker run --platform linux/amd64 --network=bykstack riaee/byk-users-db:liquibase20220615 --url=jdbc:postgresql://users_db:5432/byk --username=byk --password=01234 --changelog-file=./master.yml update
  • Run migrations added in this repository by running the helper script ./migrate.sh
  • When creating new migrations, use the helper ./create-migration.sh name-of-migration which will create a timestamped file in the correct directory and add the required headers

TIM Cookies

  • To be able to use endpoints, you must have a valid cookie generated by TIM so that TIM can validate it
  • for example in test DB To create a valid TIM JWT, call cs-login and pass {"login": "EE30303039914"} and then copy the value of jwt response and added it as the value for the cookie named customJwtCookie

PR dependencies

  • For PDF generation (Saving chat in Chat-Widget) to work - Datamapper image has to be built using this PR buerokratt/DataMapper#12