first step, you need to rename
file to.env
to activate the watched environment variables file watched by the app server.
This Project uses external dependencies so you need to run this command to install it:
npm install
to run the app in development mode you can use
npm run dev
to have a production build of the app you can use
npm run build
- Each Report takes the most distant past of the given date ranges as it's start date and most distant future date as it's end date.
- Each Report takes the minimum and maximum boundaries of all cities latitude and longitude as it's coordinates.
- Each new city row gets added with a default date range which is a week from today.
- I used a Cities list API provided by the same Forecast API service.
- I used a combination of clean architecture and domain-driven hexagonal architecture.
- For the CSS solution I've built a node.js script to transform "native CSS" which I chose as default styling solution to share the app theme with "Ant Design" the UI library used CSS-in-JS solution