A GraphQl server based solution made with node js,typescript,graphql,typeORM,jwt,docker,docker-compose,mongodb
- docker 19+
- docker-compose 1.21.0+
clone the projet from the git repository
under the projet directory execute
$ npm install
$ bash /scripts/script-dev.sh
- Run node js using nodemon ( we use nodemon to watch for file changes and restart the server )
note that we use the flag -L to be able to restart the server inside the docker container
- Graphql playground interface will be displayed on http://localhost:4000/graphql
Mongo admin ui will be displayed on http://localhost:8082/
Add random connection name and put (mongodb://mongodb/myappdb) on connection string section
$ bash /scripts/script-prod.sh
- triggering multistage build on docker container and running the project on production mode
- Graphql playground interface will be displayed on http://localhost:4000/graphql