I am a JavaScript developer with a special interest in Reactjs and Nodejs :)
Stockholm, Sweden
Pinned Repositories
Did this project to learn more about Sequelize. Promise-based Node.js ORM with Postgres. Client side fetches external api to generate famous people quotes, focused on styling and animation. Then user adds quotes that are saved to the Heroku PostgreSQL cloud database. That project name is newsequelizeserver on my github. (Not yet responsive, have some styling tasks left to fix).
Nested if statements to build an iphone clone app and also a simple queue app on the other route deployed on Heroku
A "fancier" todo app , one of my beginner projects
Food recipe app. User input of location and food type will display a list of food recipes created with reactjs
Online movie store app that I made using hooks, provider, useContext and react-router etc
Firebase database, fetching api from youtube/moviedb. Watch Trailer of chosen movie. Editing/deleting comments from Firabase database. Features like pagination, modals popup, routing with more. If the application runs slow its because heroku works in a way that if your application is unused for a while it gets unloaded (from the server memory). On the first hit it gets loaded and stays loaded until some time passes without anyone accessing it.
The nodejs project using Sequelize, a promise-based Node.js ORM with Postgres. Have some CRUD operations to handle quotes array in my Heroku PostGreSQL cloud database. The client side project name is baharesquotes.
Use of Node och Express to build a JavaScript API that performs CRUD operations in my SQL database
Reactjs playlist builder built and designed to work with Spotify. More on
Search for users repository languages. Please click on the link to see on Heroku. I did this project in one day so haven't had the time to make it responsive yet. :)
bahareeskandari's Repositories
Did this project to learn more about Sequelize. Promise-based Node.js ORM with Postgres. Client side fetches external api to generate famous people quotes, focused on styling and animation. Then user adds quotes that are saved to the Heroku PostgreSQL cloud database. That project name is newsequelizeserver on my github. (Not yet responsive, have some styling tasks left to fix).
Nested if statements to build an iphone clone app and also a simple queue app on the other route deployed on Heroku
A "fancier" todo app , one of my beginner projects
Food recipe app. User input of location and food type will display a list of food recipes created with reactjs
Online movie store app that I made using hooks, provider, useContext and react-router etc
Firebase database, fetching api from youtube/moviedb. Watch Trailer of chosen movie. Editing/deleting comments from Firabase database. Features like pagination, modals popup, routing with more. If the application runs slow its because heroku works in a way that if your application is unused for a while it gets unloaded (from the server memory). On the first hit it gets loaded and stays loaded until some time passes without anyone accessing it.
The nodejs project using Sequelize, a promise-based Node.js ORM with Postgres. Have some CRUD operations to handle quotes array in my Heroku PostGreSQL cloud database. The client side project name is baharesquotes.
Use of Node och Express to build a JavaScript API that performs CRUD operations in my SQL database
Reactjs playlist builder built and designed to work with Spotify. More on
Search for users repository languages. Please click on the link to see on Heroku. I did this project in one day so haven't had the time to make it responsive yet. :)
Simple todo app with react native
NodeJs (Express) API server for my Food-recipe-app project that's deployed on Heroku
Node JS Express API Server deployed on Heroku for my Netflix project
Testing to filter among hashtags and pagination functions
Learning redux by doing a simple todo app with react
webshop of movies with typescript and react