- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#5 opened by renovate - 0
How are you today? Care about dependencies?
#213 opened by thednp - 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#108 opened by renovate - 4
Cypress 7 support?
#162 opened by alejandroiglesias - 4
Getting timeouts from time to time
#156 opened by JJ - 0
Importing 'loadConfigFile' is broken with current version (3.4.1) of Rollup
#96 opened by Crenshinibon - 0
Error: UMD and IIFE output formats are not supported for code-splitting builds.
#94 opened by javier-garcia-meteologica - 1
Example with code coverage
#77 opened by bahmutov - 0
Handle loading Sapper rollup config
#23 opened by bahmutov - 2
Nollup support
#19 opened by wyozi - 2
Provide custom rollup config
#2 opened by mikenikles - 1
Set debugging via debug module
#1 opened by bahmutov