
Automatic $http request time estimates

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Automatic $http request time estimates

Demo, basic example, custom estimator, reporting accuracy, low-level

npm|bower install ng-http-estimate

Include 'dist/ng-http-estimate.js' script in your page and add dependency on 'http-estimate'

angular.module('app', ['http-estimate']);

Place the loading element into the body, you can also style it


The element will appear automatically on HTML requests and will show estimated remaining time (if previously computed) or "loading ..." message. Optionally, include 'dist/ng-http-estimate.css' file to get the default centered style.



  • Measurements are saved in the local storage.
  • The $http requests are automatically intercepted. If you want to disable intercept and control the start / stop events, use config provider
.config(function (httpEstimateProvider) {
    interceptHttp: false
  • You can pass your own estimator function via config provider. The function can use built-in estimator and should return the wait time in milliseconds. For example:
.config(function (httpEstimateProvider) {
    estimator: function (cacheEstimator, url) {
      console.log('need to estimate how long get request to', url, 'would take');
      var estimate = cacheEstimator(url);
      console.log('built-in cache estimator says', estimate);
      console.log('will trust it');
      return estimate;
  • You can pass 'accuracy' function via config provider to receive result after a request completes. Useful to collect analytics how accurate the measurements were
.config(function (httpEstimateProvider) {
    estimator: function (cacheEstimator, url) {
    accuracy: function (url, estimate, took) {
      console.log('estimated request to', url, 'to take', estimate, 'took', took, 'ms');
  • Low level interface. You can inject 'httpEstimateLowLevel' into your application and call the low-level methods start(name) and stop(name). Great for custom duration estimation with http intercepts disabled.
.controller('demoController', function ($scope, httpEstimateLowLevel) {
  $scope.startLoad = function startLoad() {
  $scope.stopLoad = function stopLoad() {
  • Verbose console log output for debugging.
.config(function (httpEstimateProvider) {
    verbose: true

Small print

Author: Gleb Bahmutov © 2015

License: MIT - do anything with the code, but don't blame me if it does not work.

Spread the word: tweet, star on github, etc.

Support: if you find any problems with this module, email / tweet / open issue on Github