
JSON Editor Web Component

Primary LanguageHTML


Published on webcomponents.org

Playwright Tests

Re-creation of flexi-json, taking some liberties, but as a web component.


xtal-editor is able to scale somewhat better for large JSON objects as compared to other alternative editors.

At least if a height is specified (if not, not very scalable).




<xtal-editor style=height:350px;>
<script type=module>
    import 'xtal-editor/src/xtal-editor.js';

Reference API

Referencing via CDN

<script type=module crossorigin>
    import 'https://esm.run/xtal-editor@0.0.154';

Running demos locally

To run locally (instructions may vary depending on OS):

  1. Install node.js
  2. Install git
  3. Choose a directory where you would like the files to be placed, and open a command prompt from that location.
  4. Issue command "git clone https://github.com/bahrus/xtal-editor" in the command window.
  5. CD into the git clone directory.
  6. Issue command "npm install"
  7. When step 6 is completed, issue command "npm run start".