Unified Crop Insurance Interface

Project Description

This project is aimed at building an unified web interface, where farmers, insurance agents and government officials can come together, to make the complete process of claiming Crop Insurance much more efficient, faster and transparent for all the stakeholders.

The primary problems which we are addressing in this project are as follows:

  1. Delay in settlement of crop Insurance Claims.
  2. Frequent rejections of Insurance Claims by Insurance Companies.
  3. Complicated process of claim settlement arouses confusion among farmers.
  4. Eradicating human interference.

Proposed Solution

We have built a web interface providing following solutions:

For farmers:

  1. Track there insurance application in following steps:
  2. If the validation process by the insurance companies has been started or not.
  3. If the insurance claim has been approved or not.
  4. If the insurance company has released the fund or not.
  5. If the farmer has received the fund or not.
  6. Contact the government officials directly form our platform.

For Insurance Companies:

  1. Modify the application status of all the customers, directly on the dashboard, through a dropdown menu.
  2. Serve a large number of genuine customers easily and in a more organized manner.

For Government and Statutory Bodies:

  1. Have an overwatch over all the farmers under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna.
  2. Reach large number of farmers easily, and in a better manner.
  3. Better communicate with the farmers, and avoid confusion and misinformation among farmers.

Tech Stacks and Tools

  1. HTML
  2. Vanilla CSS
  3. Bootstrap
  4. Tailwind CSS
  5. JavaScript
  6. Firebase Authentication and Real Time Database
  7. NodeJS
  8. GitHub

Challenges Faced

  1. Building a real-time application tracking system.
  2. Integrating the front-end and the back-end of the application.

Future add-ons

  1. Integrating a machine learning model which can validate the data input by the farmers, and state the percentage genuinity of the insurance claims filed by the farmers.
  2. Using blockchain to enhance data security of all the stakeholders.

How to install and run the project?

  1. Download a ZIP file of this repository from the Code drop-down menu on the home page of this repository.
  2. Install WinRAR or other service provider to extract the ZIP file. (WinRAR Installation Link: https://www.win-rar.com/fileadmin/winrar-versions/winrar/winrar-x64-611.exe)
  3. Go to public folder, and open the index.html file.


  1. Baibhav Kumar (Team Leader) : Front-end developer, Graphic Designer.
  2. Ayush Raj : Full Stack Developer, Database Manager.
  3. Ashutosh Panda : Presenter, Front-end developer, Graphic Designer.
  4. Tusar Kumar Nayak : Full Stack Developer, Database Manager.