Welcome to HelpCar - an innovative app that combines carpooling and emergency transportation services to cater to the needs of both rural and urban areas. Our platform is designed to solve the problem of transportation in areas where proper infrastructure and ambulance services are lacking, as well as reduce traffic and contribute towards the environment in urban areas.

With HelpCar, users can share vehicles on the same route through a simple request on the app, promoting carpooling and reducing traffic congestion. In addition, the app provides emergency transportation services in rural areas by connecting users in need with other users who are willing to offer their vehicles for transportation.

At HelpCar, we believe in building a community of support and trust, where users can easily connect with each other in times of need. Our platform not only makes transportation easy but also addresses climate change, traffic congestion, and the lack of proper infrastructure in rural areas.

The medical transportation help feature of HelpCAR is powered by a sophisticated algorithm that matches the needs of those seeking medical transportation with the nearest helper who is willing to provide assistance. This algorithm takes into account various factors such as location, distance, and urgency, to provide the most suitable match for the user in need. Once a match is made, the helper and the user in need can contact each other directly via the app to coordinate the details of the medical transportation.

To ensure the safety and security of both the helper and the user in need, HelpCAR also provides a rating and review system. This system allows users to rate their experience with the helper, and the helper to rate their experience with the user. This feedback system helps to maintain a high level of quality and trust within the HelpCAR community.

The carpooling feature of HelpCAR allows users to share their ride with other users who are traveling on the same route. This feature helps to reduce traffic congestion, lower transportation costs, and promote a more sustainable mode of transportation. The algorithm used to match riders with drivers takes into account various factors such as location, destination, and travel preferences, to provide the most suitable match for both parties.

To ensure the safety and security of both the rider and the driver, HelpCAR provides a detailed profile system for users. This profile system includes information such as name, age, profile picture, and a brief description. Users can also verify their mobile phone number to increase their trust level within the community.

To achieve these objectives, HelpCAR has been developed as a cross-platform mobile application using Flutter, a popular framework for building high-quality native mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms. The app has been designed with a user-centric approach, focusing on providing a simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use for users of all ages and technical backgrounds.

Firebase, a cloud-based real-time database, has been used to store data such as user profiles, travel plans, and preferences, and to enable real-time communication between users. Firebase also provides built-in authentication and security features that ensure the privacy and security of user data.

HelpCAR has been integrated with Google Maps and Google Cloud Platform to provide reliable and accurate location-based services. Google Maps is used to display the location of users, and to provide detailed directions for drivers and riders. Google Cloud Platform is used to host the app and to provide scalable and reliable computing resources that can handle the large amount of data generated by the app.

Join us in our mission to make transportation accessible and sustainable for all and contribute towards a better tomorrow.


Step 1 : Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone

Step 2 : Make sure you have Flutter installed on your machine. You can download it from the official Flutter website:

Step 3 : Open the project in your preferred editor.

Step 4 : Run the following command in your terminal to download the required packages:

flutter pub get 

Step 5 : Connect your device or start an emulator.If you are using an android emulator please make sure you are using the emulator which has Google Play Sevices available in it. Otherwise if you are using your device, please ensure to turn ON USB debugging mode.

Step 6 : Run the following command to build and launch the app:

flutter run