
Bird's eye view pan and zoom control for Cytoscape.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This plugin creates a widget that shows a bird's eye view of the graph such that the entire graph is visible. Using this widget, the user can zoom and pan about the graph.


  • jQuery >=1.4
  • Cytoscape.js >=2.2


You initialise the plugin on the same HTML DOM element container used for Cytoscape.js:

// First initialise Cytoscape.js
	/* ... */

// Then initialise Navigator

If Cytoscape.js initialisation is time consuming Navigator may not start properly. It is recommened to initialise Navigator when Cytoscape.js is ready:

// OnReady event
	ready: function(){
	/* ... */

// Initialisation chain
    	/* ... */


Navigator and its components (thumbnail's container, view's container) may be styled via CSS. It includes background, border, size and position.

  • Ovveride Navigator border and background:

      .cytoscape-navigator{ border: 2px solid red; background: blue; }
  • Add border to View container:

      .cytoscape-navigator .cytoscape-navigatorView{ border: 5px solid red; border-radius: 3px; }
  • Ovveride overlay container when mouse is over Navigator

      .cytoscape-navigator:hover .cytoscape-navigatorOverlay{ background: yellow; }
  • Ovveride view's container when mouse is over view

      .cytoscape-navigator.mouseover-view .cytoscape-navigatorView{ background: rgba(0,255,0,0.5); }

Navigator HTML structure looks like:

<div class="cytoscape-navigator">
  <div class="cytoscape-navigatorView"></div>
  <dib class="cytoscape-navigatorOverlay"></dib>

Available options

Plugin accepts custom options in form of an object:

// The default values of each option are outlined below:
	container: false,
	viewLiveFramerate: 0,
	thumbnailEventFramerate: 30,
	thumbnailLiveFramerate: false,
	dblClickDelay: 200


Can be a HTML or jQuery element or jQuery selector

Used to indicate navigator HTML container. If is false then a new DOM Element is created.


Set false to update graph pan (position) only on navigator's view drag end. Set 0 to instantly update graph pan when navigator's view is dragged. Set a positive number (N frames per second) to update navigator's view not more than N times per second.


Maximal number of thumbnail updates per second triggered by graph events.


Maximal number of constant thumbnail updates per second. Set false to disable.


Maximal delay (in milliseconds) between two clicks to consider them as a double click.

Public API

Access plugin methods by calling cyNavigator('function name') from jQuery element graph container:

$('#cy').cyNavigator('resize') // call resize event to refresh navigator data

List of available methods:

  • resize
  • destroy

Resize navigator

If you resized Navigator container (e.x. $('#cy .cytoscape-navigator').width(300)) then call Navigator resize method (e.x. $('#cy').cytoscapeNavigator('resize')).

If you resized Cytoscape.js container (e.x. $('#cy').width(900)) then:

  • if you're using Cytoscape.js 2.2.x then call Navigator resize method (e.x. $('#cy').cytoscapeNavigator('resize'))
  • if you're using Cytoscape.js >= 2.3.x then call cy.resize()


Default navigator


Cytoscape Navigator preview