1、Download dingdong recovery sourcecode, please using follow command':
git clone https://github.com/baidurom/dingdong-recovery.git

QCOM branch name: qcom

2、if you are in branch mtk and can not find branch qcom, Steps as following to switch to branch mtk:
git checkout origin/qcom
git brancn qcom

3、If clone failed or too slow, please download dingdong sourcecode with following URL:

when get the dingdong-recovery.tar.gz, using the following commands:
tar -xzf dingdong-recovery.tar.gz   # get sourcecode directory
git pull                            # synchronizing newest code
git checkout mtk					# switch to mtk branch
git checkout qcom					# switch to qcom branch

@@ Do not download ZIP on github, that will have some errors when compiling! @@

4、Compile recovery
(1) the project is build android recovery only;
(2) Steps as following:
    $ . build/envsetup.sh
    $ make maguro
  please see the out/patch_device/maguro/ , find recovery.img