
Distributed Computation Framework for Project Euler

Primary LanguagePython


Distributed Computation Framework for Project Euler

It is a tool to make computer compute together.

dcfpe releases pwd:235f

Components Overview:

  • dpe A C++ library allows you to leverage distributed environment to compute.
  • rs A windows remote shell allows you to run command remotely.



Build by vs2013

  • Make sure os.environ['GYP_GENERATORS'] = 'msvs' and os.environ['GYP_MSVS_VERSION'] = '2013' in build.py
  • Run command: python build.py
  • Open zmq_demo\zmq_demo.sln by vs2013
  • Build solution by vs2013

Build by ninja with win_toolchain (Recommended)

  • Config win_toolchain, modify src\build\win_toolchain.json
  • Make sure os.environ['GYP_GENERATORS'] = 'ninja' in build.py.(ignore os.environ['GYP_MSVS_VERSION'])
  • Run command: python build.py
  • Run command: ninja -C output\Release

linux (Not tested, I believe it won't work)

  • ubuntu 14.04 x86


  • Make sure os.environ['GYP_GENERATORS'] = 'ninja' in build.py.(ignore os.environ['GYP_MSVS_VERSION'])
  • Run command: python build.py
  • Run command: ninja -C output\Release


  • 2014.09.22 Upload gyp (basic project management tool) and chromium/base (basic code, especially the thread model).
  • 2014.10.21 23:43:16 Compute the square of [1..10] by dpe model. 8225 lines, 213248 Bytes.
  • 2015.05.18 17:17:24 Compute the square of [1..100] by dpe model on two computers. 5011+5465+927=11403 lines, 131459+147496+25257=304212 Bytes.
  • 2017.06.11 A new compute framework called dpe. 1633 lines code. Compute 0^2 + 1^2 + 2^2 + ... + 9^2 = 285 in distributed environment.
  • 2017.06.12 Succeeded in generating .dll .h for x86, x64.
  • 2017.06.18 Release dpe_1.0.0.0 and dpe_1.0.0.1.
  • 2017.06.25 Use baidu for Releases pwd:235f
  • 2017.06.25 Release dpe_1.1.0.0. Support Variants, Cache, UI.
  • 2017.12.03 Add remote shell.
  • 2017.12.09 17:59:43PST Use rs and dpe to compute 0^2 + 1^2 + 2^2 + ... + 299^2 = 8955050
  • 2017.12.10 10:27:22PST Make rs and dpe work smoothly to compute and prepare the release package.