A very simple building system
- SB is a wrapper of compilers, you can
- Use a simple wrapper command to compile/run your source code without writing long compiling options.
- Run the binary automatically after success compiling just by adding an option.
- Configure the compiler easily
- Use Object Oriented way to organize compiler configurations.
- Use variable to configure compilers.
- Support variable override.
- Support environment variable.
- Support nearly all kinds of compilers (easy to extend to other compiler/languages):
- mingw: c, c++
- tdm-mingw: c, c++
- clang: c, c++
- dcj: c++
- python interpreter: python
- go compiler: go
- java compiler: java
- scala interpreter: scala
- ghc: haskell
- vc: c, c++
- Work with win_toolchain_2013e without installing vs2013.
- Support Windows and Linux distributions.
- Install python 2.
- Put all the files in a directory and make sure that the
environment variable contains that directory. - Edit configuration file
. - Put
in a directory and the directory can be (first match):SB installation directory
- [Windows]
- [Windows]
- The directories in
This installation uses this directory structures:
- %ROOTDIR% is the root directory.
- %ROOTDIR%/app the directory to install applications.
- %ROOTDIR%/app/DevSoft development related software.
- %ROOTDIR%/app/MathsSoft maths related software.
- %ROOTDIR%/projects your work directory, visual studio code configuration file is initialized there (.vscode).
- %ROOTDIR%/devices device dependent data. e.g. If you have two PCs, each PC has its own directory.
- %HOMEDIR% is the home directory.
- %HOMEDIR%/config will contain compilers.json and a copy of setup.py.
- %HOMEDIR%/config/vsc_config a copy of vsc_config.
- %HOMEDIR%/usr/bin/sb this script will copy the sb system there.
- Prepare
- Install git.
- Clone sb to a directory.
- Install python 2.
- Make sure environment variable ROOTDIR and HOMEDIR are valid directory path.
- No need to create the sub-directories of ROOTDIR OR HOMEDIR and they will be created automatically if not exist.
- ROOTDIR and HOMEDIR may be the directory.
- Make sure DEVPATH is a part of PATH, i.e PATH=%DEVPATH%;...
- Check other configurations.
- Note: Open and close the environment setting dialog to let the new created/updated environment variables take effect.
- Install
- Run cmd with administrator permission.
- Enter sb directory.
- Execute: python setup.py
- After installing sb
- Open and close the environment setting dialog to let the new created/updated environment variables take effect.
- Prepare
- Install git.
- Clone sb to a directory.
- Install python 2.
- Make sure environment variable ROOTDIR and HOMEDIR are valid directory path.
- No need to create the sub-directories of ROOTDIR OR HOMEDIR and they will be created automatically if not exist.
- ROOTDIR and HOMEDIR may be the directory.
- Check other configurations
- Append the following code (please modify
<home dir> and <root dir>
) to~/.bashrc
export HOMEDIR=<home dir>
export ROOTDIR=<root dir>
if [ -f ~/.sbrc ]; then
. ~/.sbrc
- Install
- Open terminal.
- Enter sb directory.
- Execute: python ./setup.py
Nearly the same as that on linux.
- Append the codes to
instead of~/.bashrc
. - Remove
from your compiler option.
- [Windows] install MinGW under
.- Please make sure
exist because this script will add that path to environment variable list. - If the path doesn't sound good to you, please install it in another path but don't forget to edit setup.py (method: setup_environment_variables) and compilers.json (compiler: __compiler_base)
- Please make sure
- Configure compiler compilers.json.
- Compiling options
- You can customize the compile command there.
- [C/C++] Linked lib
- The
(Windows) will link to libs of GMP, BF, FLINT, MPFR, MPIR andgcc-pe
will link to the lib of GMP.- Remove the libs you don't use.
- Keep te libs you use.
- Add more libs if necessary.
- You can utilize the include path
and the lib path%HOMEDIR%/usr/lib
configured by setup.py to install libraries.
- The
- pe compatibility.
- This script will install pe to
and configure it automatically. - In the auto configure process, it checks whether the header file of a library exists and
the corresponding library if the header file is found.- For non-VC compilers,
means to include the library header file and to enable the pe codes depend on them. - For VC compilers,
means to include the library header file and to enable the pe codes depend on them and to add the corresponding link option.
- For non-VC compilers,
- You need to make sure that the pe configure is consistent with your compiler configurations when compiling a pe based source file
- CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH or the compiling option has the path of the header file of enabled library.
- LIBRARY_PATH or the compiling option has the path of the lib of the enabled library (Some libraries don't have libs).
- The compiling option has the lib of the enabled library (Some libraries don't have libs). As mentioned above, it is not necessary for VC compilers.
- This script will install pe to
- Compiling options
- Command
- Windows: pe++.py
<source file>
.- pe++
<source file>
is available but it is not recommended.
- pe++
- Linux: pe++
<source file>
. - pe++.py uses {'language':'cpp','name':'mingw64-pe'} to find the corresponding compiler.
- dcj.py, jr.py, vc++.py, clang++ are similar to pe++.py but a different compiler spec to find the compiler, please see copmiler spec list.
- pe++ (linux) will reuse pe++.py with another copmiler name gcc-pe.
- Windows: pe++.py
- options
- -o
<output file name>
- Specify the output file name. (Default = empty string and determined by compilers)
- -debug
- Enable debug mode.
- -release
- Enable release mode. (Default)
- -r
- Run the application after compiling your source code successfully. (Disabled by default)
- -l
- specify the language
- -n
- specify the name field in compiler spec.
- -a
- specify the arch field in compiler spec.
- --
- all the options after -- will be appended to the compiling command.
- -o
- Compiler spec list
- clang++.py
- {'language':'cpp','name':'clang-pe'}
- dcj.py
- {'language':'cpp','name':'dcj'}
- jr.py
- {'language':'java'}
- pe++.py
- {'language':'cpp','name':'mingw64-pe'}
- vc++.py
- {'language':'cpp','name':'vc','version':'14','arch':'x64'}
- clang++.py