

C++ Hot Reload for Unreal Engine 4

C++ Hot Reload is a plugin that allows the Unreal Editor to detect modified classes and build them automatically allowing you to modify the headers files and the classes structures for Windows and macOS. C++ Hot Reload will only build the modified files to speed up your work in large projects or plugins.

You know the plugin is installed when you see in your tool bar the following similar image

Image of Status button


  • UE4.23, UE4.24 and UE4.25
  • Supports macOS and Win64
    • Windows, testd on Visual Studio 2017 and 2019
    • macOS, Xcode latest version (compatibility mode right now, it's "slow")
  • Only 64bits
  • PCH based for fast reload, even .h files changing the classes layouts it's able to reload in the gap of 2 seconds

UE4 classes tested

Enter in the Discord channel and send your sample class to get support!

  • ActorComponent
  • SceneComponent


  • Install the plugin using the UE marketplace
  • For even faster hot reloads tell C++ Hot Reload the name of your PCH file
    • The default mode doesn't use PCH for compatibility.
    • However if you want to reload your files in the gap of a couple of seconds modify CppHotReloadConfig.h
    • Add the line #define CPP_HOT_RELOAD_PCH_NAME "Test.h"
    • Change "Test.h" to fit what you has been defined as PrivatePCHHeaderFile in your game Build.cs.
    • If you don't have that variable defined, add PrivatePCHHeaderFile = "NAME_OF_YOUR_PCH.h"; and use it in your source code

Understanding the status bar

  • Image of waiting Waiting for the user save a file
  • Image of UE Header tool running Unreal Header Tool is running (when you modify a .h file)
  • Image of NO PCH You have no PCH file configured for your project and files, the reload will be much slower
  • Image of Building Building!

Feedback and Help

Image of Discord https://discord.gg/9gsaNnD

For any other question: contact AT hotreload.tech or file an issue here in GitHub
