
Example data ingestion pipeline with clara-rules.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

Rules Rule!

Nearly all modern applications must ingest data from the outside world. Ingestion's goal is to transform data in a source format (XML, CSV, DAT) into something meaningful so that we can store it for our application's use. There are roughly three phases: Extract, Transform, Load.

source format -> source value -> **rules** -> application value

In the extraction phase we go from source format -> source value. For example, we take an XML node representation and turn it into a map.

In the transformation phase we apply rules to bring the values we extracted in line with our application logic. We take a source value -> rules -> application value. For example, we might transpose two values according to some business rule.

In the load phase we store the value in one or more datastores.


In the extraction phase, we have two somewhat related issues that we commonly have to tackle:

  • Disparate representation formats (CSV, JSON, XML)
  • Representations that change over time

In addressing the first issue we want to:

  • Build a library of re-usable functions to abtract away common operations like fetching a file from S3 or converting a CSV row to a map
  • Write source-specific transformation functions

Extracting a single source is a functional pipeline composing our re-usable functions and our source-specific functions.

Representations change over time. For example, the structure of a single source CSV can change header names. We can overcome this issue with polymorphic functions. In this project, we do so using multimethods. But, you can also use protocols.

The culmination of extraction is a source value. We use spec to make sure that our value is in the correct shape.


In the transform phase, we apply various rules to our source value to turn it into an application value. We want to avoid a tangled web of switch and if/else statements throughout our code. Therefore, we use a rules engine Clara to separate business logic from the rest of the application.

Running a rules engine includes four steps:

  1. Define rules (def-rule switch-locations ...)
  2. Create a rules session (mk-session 'rules-rule.transform)
  3. Insert facts (insert (->Movement ...) (->Movement ...)) or (insert-all movements)
  4. Fire the rules (fire-rules)

Firing rules is not a pure process; when each rule fires you have to mutate a value for later retrieval. We model state with an atom, but there are other options in Clojure: vars, refs, agents.

The interesting thing is that by shunting the rules engine into it's own part of the application we can wall-off state manipulation.

In our transformation we want to expose a single function as an interface that takes our value(s) and returns us the transformed version(s).


Pretty self-explanatory. Save the data to one or more datastores. Here, we just print the results to stdout. But, even something so simple can be used for great good. Check out kafkacat, a Kafka command-line application that can read from stdin and write to a topic.



getting started

%> git clone git@github.com:anthonyshull/rules-rule.git
%> cd rules-rule && lein deps


%> lein run "data/october.csv"


%> lein test

generate documentation

%> lein codox


%> lein eastwood


%> lein uberjar

run compiled

%> java -jar target/rules_rule-0.0.1-standalone.jar "data/november.csv"