React Rx Form
As you know, form is a little bit annoying in React
. RxForm is a small library that help you:
- Maintain Form state
- Validation and error messages
- Handling form submission
Compare with Redux Form:
- Your can use it directly in your project, no need any config.
- It's more friendly to Typescript.
If you dont' want to use it someday, it is convenient to switch to redux-form. Because their interfaces are the same. So don't worry, just give it a try!
npm install @react-rx/form
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Field, RxForm } from "@react-rx/form";
export class ContactForm extends Component {
onSubmit = (formValues: any) => {
render() {
return (
{({ handleSubmit }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(this.onSubmit)}>
<Field name="firstName">
{({ value, onChange }) => (
<input value={value} onChange={onChange} type="text" placeholder="First Name" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
Please check more examples here.
The Form component which maintain all fields state.
initialValues: { [fieldName: string]: TFieldValue }
Form initial values.
children: (props) => ReactNode
A render prop, which provide the following props to it's children:
handleSubmit: (onSubmit: TOnSubmit) => (formEvent: React.FormEvent) => any
function fired,onSubmit
will be called with the following parameters:values: { [fieldName: string]: TFieldValue }
onSubmitError: (errors: { [fieldName: string]: TErrorMsg }) => any
The Field Component is connect each individual input to RxForm.
name: string
Field name
children: (props) => ReactNode
A render prop, which provide the flowing props to it's children:
name: string
onChange: (value: React.MouseEvent | TFieldValue) => void
onBlur: (value: React.MouseEvent | TFieldValue) => void
onFocus: () => void
value?: TFieldValue
dirty?: boolean
touched?: boolean
visited?: boolean
error?: TErrorMsg
defaultValue?: TFieldValue
Field default value
validate?: TValidator | TValidator[]
- TValidator is a function which returns error message based on field value.
(value: TFieldValue) => string | undefined
- Default be called when field
and formstartSubmit
- TValidator is a function which returns error message based on field value.
format?: (value: TFieldValue) => TFieldValue
Format field value to be displayed in field input. For example, we can format number to currency. Should be used with
in pairs. -
parse?: (value: TFieldValue) => TFieldValue
Parse field input display value to be stored in RxForm. Should be used with
in pairs. -
destroyValueOnUnmount?: boolean
When field unmount, determine whether to destroy the field value or not.
name: string
- Field array name.
children: (props) => ReactNode
A render prop, which provide the flowing props to it's children:
add: () => any
- Add an item to the end of the array.
remove: (idx: number) => any
- Removes an item from the array by index.
each: (mapper: (fieldName: string, idx: number) => React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode
- A method to iterate over each value of the array.
initLength?: number
The init length of the array.
The FormSection component makes it easy to split forms into smaller components that are reusable across multiple forms. It does this by prefixing the name of Field, FieldArray children, at any depth, with the value specified in the name prop.
name: string
The name all child fields should be prefixed with.
children: React.ReactNode
The FormValues component provides form values to it's children.
children: (props) => ReactNode
A render prop, which provide the flowing props to it's children:
formValues: { [fieldName: string]: TFieldValue }
updateFormValues: (formValues: IFormValues) => any
The WithForm components provide form context to it's children.
children: (props) => ReactNode
A render prop, which provide the flowing props to it's children:
dispatch: (fieldAction: IFieldAction) => any
subscribe: (observer: Observer<any>) => any
subscribeFormAction: (observer: Observer<any>) => any
updateFormValues: (formValues: IFormValues) => any
getFormValues: () => IFormValues
getFormState: () => IFormState
fieldPrefix?: string
setErrors: (errors: TErrors) => any