An upstream ZeroMQ module for nginx. It offers the following features:
- Endpoint configuration
- Per location timeout configuration
- Connection pooling
The following features and improvements are planned and in development
- Selection of ZeroMQ socket type
- Currently defaults to REQ
- Would like to be able to select PUB or PUSH
- Code cleanup
- Memory profiling/cleanup
Complation of the module only requires libzmq 3.x+ (as well as nginx). It has been tested to build against nginx 1.5.12 and 1.7.4 (OpenResty versions). They can be compiled in simply with
./configure --add-module=<path_to_ngx_zmq>
from the nginx source directory, followed by your standard make
and make install
ngx_zmq uses location blocks to set up endpoints, and provides the following directives:
location /zmq {
zmq_endpoint "tcp://localhost:5555"; #endpoint is required
zmq_timeout 10; #in milliseconds, total time spent in function. optional, defaults to -1 (no timeout)
Assuming a zmq server (example included in us.cpp) is running, a request over ZMQ can be made via
$ curl -X POST -d 'what_to_send' http://localhost/zmq
The sample upstream zmq server can be compiled and run with:
$ g++ us.cpp -lzmq; ./a.out
The sample server will always reply with "World"
As per this issue, we cannot just do a ngx.location.capture() from the lua nginx module. This requires a bit of a workaround. Try:
location ~ /zmq/proxy/(?<target>[\S]+) {
internal; # so only this server can access this
location /zmq/my_endpoint/ {
zmq_endpoint "tcp://";
zmq_timeout 10;
and in Lua (assuming readurl is available):
local reply, err = readurl.capture("/zmq/proxy/my_endpoint/",
Using appropriate options. You could use other request frameworks as well (one such is mentioned in the above linked issue).
ngx_zmq allows using REQ sockets, PUSH sockets, and PUB sockets. The socket type is set with the zmq_socktype. Examples:
location /zmq1/ {
zmq_endpoint "tcp://localhost:5555";
zmq_socktype PUSH;
location /zmq2/ {
zmq_endpoint "tcp://localhost:5556";
zmq_socktype REQ;
location /zmq3/ {
zmq_endpoint "tcp://localhost:5557";
zmq_socktype PUB;
Invalid/unrecognized socktype arguments force a default to REQ.
ngx_zmq will give the following codes/request bodies under the specified conditions:
HTTP Code | Request Body | Condition |
Gateway Timeout (504) | send/recv times out | |
Bad Gateway (502) | ZeroMQ error message | send/recv fails, but does not timeout (errno != EAGAIN) |
OK (200) | Response from ZMQ server | successful round-trip (from ZMQ_REQ socket |
There does not seem to be a single good set of documentation on writing nginx modules. The definitive guide linked below is great, but frequently errors happened I wouldn't know how to find. A list of some of the resources I used: