
scripts for processing silicon probe recordings

Primary LanguagePython


Requires anaconda (or miniconda), git, and nvidia GPU drivers (can check for it by running nvidia-smi on the command line).

git clone https://github.com/bainro/mcn_ephys.git
cd mcn_ephys
conda create -n ephys -y cython h5py joblib matplotlib pillow pip requests responses scikit-learn scipy spyder opencv natsort conda-forge::cupy python=3.9
conda activate ephys

Run with spyder:

spyder -p .

Or run on the command line:

python rhd_to_bin/ProcessRhd.py

Download the latest code (i.e. update already downloaded code)

cd mcn_ephys
git pull

If you want to try out the development branch (more bugs guaranteed!):

git checkout dev

Switch back to the release/main branch:

git checkout main


Original repo of Rajat Saxena's.