
A simple iOS application for educational purpose.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Welcome to Kimera.

Build Status


All code on this repository is for educational purposes only and is not intended for production code. The code is supplied "as is". Use at your own risks.

Kimera Mobile

Kimera Mobile represents the typical client/server iOS application.


To properly configure the project is necessary:

  • Install Command Line Tools in Xcode (Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Components)
  • Install and configure CocoaPods

Then download the project:

$ git clone git@github.com:maxoly/Kymera.git

To check if everything is working properly launch the compilation:

$ ant release

The result should be ** BUILD SUCCEEDED **.

Build & Deploy

The project is provided with an Ant Buildfile called build.xml, located in the root folder. Inside Buildfile there are some targets that can perform common operations.

For example:

  • ant debug: build the project in debug configuration
  • ant release: build the project in release configuration
  • ant deploy: compile the project in adhoc configuration, generates ipa, creates a changelog, uploads the ipa on testflight server and creates a new tag
  • ant test: execute unit tests in the project
  • ant genstring: is a utility that generates Localizable.string


This application can be deployed, for testing, on [TestFlight] (http://testflightapp.com) server. To deploy the app, through this service, all devices UDIDs must also be present in its provisioning file and placed in a special folder.

To be able to properly deploy on TestFlight is therefore necessary to:

  • Create the AdHoc provisioning on [Developer Portal] (http://developer.apple.com);
  • Place the provisioning file in Kimera.Build.Scripts/embedded.mobileprovision;
  • Every developer that wants to deploy the application must create an environment variable with his own TestFlight token, in this way: export TESTFLIGHT_APITOKEN=aabbccddffgghhiillmmnnooppqqwwvvzz
  • At this point you have run ant deploy

At the end of the procedure all registered users should receive a confirmation email with the option to install the latest version of the app directly from the device.

Technical Specifications

Below is a summary of the technical specifications:

App Type                            Universal (iPhone + iPad)
Operating Systems                   iOS 5.0 / 5.1 / 6.0 / 6.1
Supported Devices                   iPhone 4/4S/5/5C/5S and iPad 2/3/4
Supported Displays                  Retina + non retina
Orientations                        only Landscape

Language                            Objective-C 2.0
Memory Managment                    ARC (Automatic Reference Counting)
Target iOS                          5.0
Third-part libraries Managment      CocoaPods
Networking framework                RestKit