1)On Ubuntu default python -v 2.7.6 no need to install python
install pip (python package mananger) $sudo apt-get install python-pip
if mysql server is not installed,see following code for install mysql server $sudo apt-get install mysql-server
create database named as 'DjangoQuantum' on your local mysql server
install the require development packages for python and mysql server $sudo apt-get install python-dev libmysqlclient-dev
install virtual environment package $pip install virtualenv
6)clone this Repository
- go to in side DjangoQuantum folder,activity the virtual enviroment as following $source bin/activate.
8)in side virutal enviroment,install all dependency software of this project as following $pip install -r requirements.txt
9)in side virutal enviroment,move to DjangoQuantum/ folder,run as following for sync database to create all tables (only once,no need to do second time) $python manage.py syncdb
if run server locally,then run following command as following $python manage.py runserver (by default it runs http://localhost:8000)
if run server global,then run following command as following $python manage.py runserver