This is the repository for supplemental materials and notes on the dataset.

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This is the repository for supplemental materials and notes on the dataset for the paper "LWS: A Framework for Log-based Workload Simulation in Session-based SUT".


The dataset is published in https://figshare.com/s/87c50b19706242dc0f1e. Each .zip file denotes an experiment in the paper. Their relationships are shown as follows:

  • $\textit{OW}$: A_original_workload.zip
  • $\textit{SW(Monolithic)}$: A_simulated_workload_without_cluster.zip
  • $\textit{SW(HAC/Markov)}$: A_simulated_workload_with_WESSBAS_hc_3.zip
  • $\textit{SW(HAC/SGT)}$: A_simulated_workload_with_SGT_hc_3.zip
  • $\textit{WESSBAS}$: A_WESSBAS.zip
  • $\textit{B Original Workload}$: B_original_workload.zip
  • $\textit{Fitting(Origin)}$: B_simulated_workload_fitting_origin.zip
  • $\textit{Fitting(Decomposition)}$: B_simulated_workload_fitting_merged.zip
  • $\textit{Generation(LIMBO)}$: B_simulated_workload_generation_LIMBO.zip
  • $\textit{Generation(TSAGen)}$: B_simulated_workload_generation_TSAGen.zip

$\textit{OW}$ is generated by K6 script. The following files are published:

  • k6_script.js: The original K6 script.
  • 2022-12-31-A_original_workload.zip: Monitoring metrics collected by Prometheus.
  • session_logs.zip: The logs in the service Frontend collected by Elasticsearch+Filebeat.

Each zip file of the simulated workload consists of the following parts:

  • session_logs.zip: The logs in the service Frontend collected by Elasticsearch+Filebeat.
  • 2023-xx-xx-xxx...xxx.zip: Monitoring metrics collected by Prometheus.
  • user_behavior_output: The output of user bebehavior abstraction, including transition graphs, invariants, and detailed dots.
  • workload_intensity_output: The output of workload intensity modeling, including the simulated intensity data and the graph.
  • transition_output: The output of generated user behavior sequences.

Supplemental Material

Please refer to ./supplemental_materials/supplemental_materials_for_paper.pdf.

LWS Workload Simulation Environment Deployment

Please refer to ./env_installation/env_installation.md.