
C++ implementation of mediasoup-client

Primary LanguageC++


C++ version of the mediasoup-client JavaScript library using WebRTC Native Code.


Once installed (see Installation below):

#include "libmediasoupclient/mediasoupclient.hpp"

The libmediasoupclient API is exposed under the mediasoupclient C++ namespace.

libmediasoupclient integrates the JSON for Modern C++ library.



Automatically added during Installation.


libwebrtc must be downloaded and compiled in the system. Follow the official instructions.

Make sure branch remotes/branch-heads/m73 is checked-out and compiled.

Developement dependencies


Already integrated in this repository.


git clone https://github.com/jmillan/libmediasoupclient.git

cd libmediasoupclient/

cmake . -Bbuild \

# Compile.
make -C build/ # or: cd build/ && make

# Optionally install.
make install -C build/ # or: cd build/ && make install

Depending on the host, it will generate the following static lib and header files:

-- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libmediasoupclient.a
-- Up-to-date: /usr/local/include/mediasoupclient/mediasoupclient.hpp



Linkage considerations

The application is responsible for defining the symbol visibility of the resulting binary. Symbol visibility mismatch among different libraries will generate plenty of linker warnings such us the one below:

ld: warning: direct access in function 'webrtc::I010Buffer::Rotate(webrtc::I010BufferInterface const&, webrtc::VideoRotation)'
from file '/Users/jmillan/src/webrtc-checkout/src/out/m73/obj/libwebrtc.a(i010_buffer.o)'
to global weak symbol 'void rtc::webrtc_checks_impl::LogStreamer<>::Call<>(char const*, int, char const*)::t'
from file '../libmediasoupclient.a(PeerConnection.cpp.o)' means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime.
This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.

In order to avoid such warnings make sure the corresponding visibility compilation flags are provided. For example, if libwebrtc was built with hidden symbol visibility, libmediasoupclient needs to be provided with the correspoinding compilation flag:

cmake . -Bbuild \

