
HM University Certificate

Primary LanguageTeX


HM University Certificate


  1. Fork the repo

  2. Go to stchi-cert.tex or stlinus-cert.tex

  3. Go to this part of the file:

  4. Replace YOUR\_NAME\_HERE by your name, YEAR by the current year and DATE by the current date.

    Do not change the {\YEAR} and {\DATE} !

  5. Commit and push to Github, then open Github Actions to download your certificate!


  1. Makesure you have LaTeX environment installed!

  2. Clone git repository

    git clone https://github.com/HMUniversity/Certificate.git
  3. Open the tex file depending to the certification that you want to get, and go to this part of the file:

  4. Replace YOUR\_NAME\_HERE by your name, YEAR by the current year and DATE by the current date.

    Do not change the {\YEAR} and {\DATE} !

  5. Then run

    xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdf stchi-cert.tex 

    for certificate of St. Chi College, or

    xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -pdf stlinus-cert.tex 

    for certificate of St. Linus College.

  6. Get stchi-cert.pdf or stlinus-cert.pdf!