Summary of different payment channel proposals

Common mechanics in design

Output chaining.

When you 'spend' in Bitcoin you are giving someone else the right to move coins and you can place conditions on that future move. A common method in chaining is to output to a multi-sig p2sh that contains one of your keys.

Funding and Commitment Image Source: Scalable Funding of Bitcoin Micropayment Channel Networks by Burchert, Decker, and Wattenhofer

Limiting transaction publish.

Transaction publish is limited through the use of nLockTime to ensure that a redeem or commit transaction can only be added to a block after the desired wait time. This method is used to delay revocation spends, redeem scripts as well as settlement (channel close) transactions.

Limiting output spends.

CheckLockTimeVerify (CLTV) is used to enforce output spends at a certain absolute height or time. CheckSequenceVerify (CSV) is used to encumber an output and prevent it from being spent during a relative period (revocation or challenge period). While used for different cases the idea is the same. A waiting period is created using CLTV or CSV in order to allow for many spends in a channel or for a challenge period.

Revocation keys & preimages.

The idea is to allow for a conditional payment where the bearer of the secret can claim funds immediately. The sender of funds creates the preimage and discloses it to the receiver only when a next channel state is negotiated. This shuns the broadcasting of a previous state. One-off private keys or hash preimages are used to allow for revocation. Duplex, Poon-Dryja and HLTC-based channels all employ this mechanism. Used in conjunction with timeout period.

Revocation Image Source: Scalable Funding of Bitcoin Micropayment Channel Networks by Burchert, Decker, and Wattenhofer

Simple Revoke from Alice to Bob
HASH160 <revokehash> EQUAL
    <Bob's pubkey>
    <Alice's pubkey>

Symmetrical transaction creation.

Useful links

Payment channels - Bitcoin Wiki

Lightning Dev Resources

Channel malleability - SO


BIP-68 Relative lock time

Channels on Bitcoin Magazine for diagrams one two three

Deployable Lightning

Duplex channels by Decker - YT

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