

Duration - around 1h

Introduction - 5min

Coding - 50min

Retrospective - 5min


Randori training

A pair works out the Kata in front of an audience.

Every 3-5 minutes (decides a moderator), navigator becomes a driver, the driver joins the audience, and a member from the audience becomes the new navigator

Driver - uses keyboard. Listen to navigator instructions what to write.

Navigator - sits next to driver. Gives instructions what driver should do.

Other participants watch the process should always be ready to take navigator place. They can give ideas, but driver should only take instructions from a navigator.

Will be working in TDD (Test driven development). Red -> Green -> Refactor.

Example instructions:

  • write const x equals five
  • create variable named x with default value 5
  • create function which returns default value;

Pro tips:

  • Baby steps - don't try to create a general solution from the beginning.
  • It is very tempting for the driver to write code himself, but that is not the purpose of this exercise. Suggest to navigator, and if he agrees - implement.
  • Speak out what you are trying to achieve, so that next navigator would continue your solution, not try to implement his own.


  • Improve coding skills
  • Improve the way we are giving feedback about code
  • Have fun