
Primary LanguagePython

Шпренгер Константин Александрович. P33091
Вариант: lisp | acc | harv | hw | instr | binary | stream | port | cstr | prob5 | [4]char
Усложнение: Отсутствует



program ::= s-expression

s-expression ::= atomic-symbol 
               | "(" s-expresssion " " s-expression ")" 

atomic-symbol ::= control-symbol
                | number
                | letter
                | atomic-symbol atomic-symbol

control-symbol ::= "==" 
                 | "-" 
                 | "+" 
                 | "%" 
                 | "loop" 
                 | "defun" 
                 | "if" 
                 | "nop"
                 | "break"
                 | "fucall"
                 | "read"
                 | "set"

letter ::= "a" | "b" | ... | "z" | """

number ::= "0" | "1" | ... | "9"



  • Global (performed by "define" keyword)
  • Local (ISA preserves writes, currently only reads)

Evaluation stategy

  • Every string (constant ar names) is passed by a pointer
  • Every number is passed by value
  • Each s-expression evaluates after all insides are evaluated
  • Passing args into function call only by value
  • Applicative order (except "%" operation due to E-stack organization)


  • (define var_name (s-exp)) -> Define global var with s-exp value


  • (set (val) (s-exp)) -> set result of (s-exp) to variable (var)
  • (print (s-exp)) -> print result of (s-exp)
  • (== (numb-ret s-exp) (numb-ret s-exp)) -> compare operands values and return result
  • (+, -, % (numb-ret s-exp) (numb-ret s-exp)) -> (add, substract, mod) and return result

Execution stream control

  • (if (base s-exp) (then s-exp) (else s-exp)) -> if result of (base s-exp) is "positive" evaluate (then s-exp) else evaluate (else s-exp). "Positive" means it either string or non-zero number.
  • (loop ([s-exp])) -> sequentially evalueate s-expressions and return last's value
  • (break (s-exp)) -> yield from loop with (s-exp) value
  • (nop)


  • Definition: (defun func_name (arg) ([s-exp]))
  • Calling: (fucall func_name arg), returns value as s-expression


  • (print (str-ret s-exp)) -> print value of string-returning s-exp
  • (read var_name) -> read string into var


Instruction Memory

  • Word size - 16 bit
  • Word count - 1024
  • Sequential placing in translation time image

Data memory

  • Word size - 32 bit
  • Word count - 1024
  • "Named memory" stands for variables in global scope (numbers and string pointers)
  • "Anonymous memory" contains constants and "Named memory" string's bodies
  • "E-stack" - stack for s-exp returning values
  • "F-stack" - stack for exclusively functions calls (ret + arg)
  • Sequential placing in translation time image


  • E-stack pointer - 32 bit
  • F-stack pointer - 32 bit
  • Accumulator - 32 bit
  • Address register (Ar) - 32 bit


Instruction set

  • Machine word - 32 bit signed
NOP 1000 Just nop
HALT 1100 Stop execution
CMP 1200 CMP accumulator value with zero and setup zero flag
FPUSH 1300 Place accumulator value on top of F-stack
FPOP 1400 Pop F-stack top value into accumulator
EPUSH 1500 Place accumulator value on top of E-stack
EPOP 1600 Pop E-stack top value into accumulator
ZERO 1700 Load zero flag into accumulator
CLEAR 1900 Set 0x0000 ass accumulator value
ADD 1A00 Acc = Acc + [E-stack ptr]
SUB 1B00 Acc = Acc - [E-stack ptr]
MOD 1F00 Acc = Acc % [E-stack ptr]
READ 1C00 Read next symbol from input buffer into accumulator
PRINT 1D00 Print symbol from accumulator
INCESTACK 1E00 [E-stack ptr] += 1
LOAD <addr> AXXX Load by address in instruction / (F/E)-Stack / Ar + fetch address
STORE <addr> BXXX Store by address in instruction / (F/E)-Stack / Ar + fetch address
JZ <addr> EXXX if zero flag = 1 then jump to addr
JMP <addr> FXXX jump to addr
<addr> - Direct access to instruction memory or (in case of LOAD/STORE):
  • A8XX/B8XX - F-stack
  • A4XX/B8XX - E-stack
  • ACXX/B8XX - Ar register


Command line inteface

translator.py <source_file> <target_instruction_file> <target_mnemonic_file> <target_data_file>

Modules: Translator Parsing functions

Code generation

  1. Translation into python lists with terms, () -> []
  2. Recursive reducing with applicative order
  3. Repeating second step


  1. Implicit check of keywords and number of params
  2. Each keyword mapped to its instruction set
  3. Breaks should be recursively inside loop expression


Command line inteface

machine.py <source_instruction_file> <source_data_file> <source_input_file>

Module: Machine


Control Unit: image


  • tick - increment Icounter value

Data Path: image


  • latch_set_zero - set zero flag depending on acc value
  • latch_addr - latching data address using Opcode selector and implicit address (if needed)
  • sig_write - store acc value into memory
  • latch_acc- latching accumulator using Opcode selector
  • acc_inc - increment accumulator
  • clear_acc - set 0x0000 as acc value
  • setup_zero_flag - set zero flag depending on acc's value
  • sig_sum - perform add operation
  • sig_sub - perform sub operation
  • sig_mod - perform mod operation
  • sig_out - append acc value to output buffer
  • sig_read - read next symbol from input buffer into accumulator
  • sig_acc_to_addr - store acc's value to Ar
  • mem_store store acc value into memory by address specified in Ar
  • mem_load load memory value by address specified in Ar into acc

Model's Features:

  • Checking main memory violation
  • Unlimited execution time
  • using $ as buffer end (golden test problem)


Golden tests

  • Cat - Print Input Buffer values
  • Hello User - Print "Hello [user]", where [user] - input buffer value
  • Hello World! - Print "Hello, World!"
  • Problem 5 - Solve Problem №5, and compare result with two values. Then print True and False due to comparison.
  • Just - Compare values of two global variables and print out string due to this comparison


Using raw python docker image

image: python:3.10

  stage: test
    - pip install poetry
    - poetry install
    - poetry run ruff format --check .
    - poetry run ruff check .
    - poetry run coverage run -m pytest --verbose

Exaple using Just test:

╭─bakalover@bakalover-laptop ~/code/carch  ‹master*› 
╰─➤  python3.10 translator.py in/source.txt binary/instructions out/mnemonics.txt binary/data
╭─bakalover@bakalover-laptop ~/code/carch  ‹master*› 
╰─➤  python3.10 machine.py binary/instructions binary/data in/input.txt
DEBUG:root:Icounter:   0 MemAddr:   0 Acc: 0, Zero: 0, Estack: 768, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: f001
DEBUG:root:Icounter:   1 MemAddr:   0 Acc: 0, Zero: 0, Estack: 768, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: a000
DEBUG:root:Icounter:   2 MemAddr:   1 Acc: 1, Zero: 0, Estack: 768, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1500
DEBUG:root:Icounter:   3 MemAddr: 767 Acc: 1, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: a001
DEBUG:root:Icounter:   4 MemAddr:   2 Acc: 2, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1500
DEBUG:root:Icounter:   5 MemAddr: 766 Acc: 2, Zero: 0, Estack: 766, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1600
DEBUG:root:Icounter:   6 MemAddr: 766 Acc: 2, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1b00
DEBUG:root:Icounter:   7 MemAddr: 767 Acc: 1, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1700
DEBUG:root:Icounter:   8 MemAddr: 767 Acc: 0, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: b400
DEBUG:root:Icounter:   9 MemAddr: 767 Acc: 0, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1600
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  10 MemAddr: 767 Acc: 0, Zero: 0, Estack: 768, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1200
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  11 MemAddr: 767 Acc: 0, Zero: 1, Estack: 768, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: e00f
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  15 MemAddr: 767 Acc: 0, Zero: 1, Estack: 768, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: a10c
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  16 MemAddr: 269 Acc: 269, Zero: 1, Estack: 768, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1500
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  17 MemAddr: 767 Acc: 269, Zero: 1, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: a400
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  18 MemAddr: 269 Acc: 269, Zero: 1, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: ac00
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  19 MemAddr:  70 Acc: 70, Zero: 1, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1200
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  20 MemAddr:  70 Acc: 70, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: e018
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  21 MemAddr:  70 Acc: 70, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1d00
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  22 MemAddr:  70 Acc: 70, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1e00
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  23 MemAddr: 767 Acc: 270, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: f011
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  17 MemAddr: 767 Acc: 270, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: a400
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  18 MemAddr: 270 Acc: 270, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: ac00
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  19 MemAddr:   0 Acc: 0, Zero: 0, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1200
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  20 MemAddr:   0 Acc: 0, Zero: 1, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: e018
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  24 MemAddr:   0 Acc: 0, Zero: 1, Estack: 767, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1600
DEBUG:root:Icounter:  25 MemAddr: 767 Acc: 270, Zero: 1, Estack: 768, Fstack: 1024 
Next instruction: 1100

Output mnemonics:

0 - 0xf001 - [<Opcode.JMP: '0xF000'>, 1, 0]
1 - 0xa000 - [<Opcode.LOAD: '0xA000'>, 'x', 0]
2 - 0x1500 - [<Opcode.EPUSH: '0x1500'>, None, 0]
3 - 0xa001 - [<Opcode.LOAD: '0xA000'>, 'y', 0]
4 - 0x1500 - [<Opcode.EPUSH: '0x1500'>, None, 0]
5 - 0x1600 - [<Opcode.EPOP: '0x1600'>, None, 0]
6 - 0x1b00 - [<Opcode.SUB: '0x1B00'>, None, 0]
7 - 0x1700 - [<Opcode.ZERO: '0x1700'>, None, 0]
8 - 0xb400 - [<Opcode.STORE: '0xB000'>, <Data.EStack: 4>, 0]
9 - 0x1600 - [<Opcode.EPOP: '0x1600'>, None, 0]
10 - 0x1200 - [<Opcode.CMP: '0x1200'>, None, 0]
11 - 0xe00f - [<Opcode.JZ: '0xE000'>, 15, 0]
12 - 0xa100 - [<Opcode.LOAD: '0xA000'>, 256, 0]
13 - 0x1500 - [<Opcode.EPUSH: '0x1500'>, None, 0]
14 - 0xf011 - [<Opcode.JMP: '0xF000'>, 17, 0]
15 - 0xa10c - [<Opcode.LOAD: '0xA000'>, 268, 0]
16 - 0x1500 - [<Opcode.EPUSH: '0x1500'>, None, 0]
17 - 0xa400 - [<Opcode.LOAD: '0xA000'>, <Data.EStack: 4>, 0]
18 - 0xac00 - [<Opcode.LOAD: '0xA000'>, <Data.Ar: 5>, 0]
19 - 0x1200 - [<Opcode.CMP: '0x1200'>, None, 0]
20 - 0xe018 - [<Opcode.JZ: '0xE000'>, 24, 0]
21 - 0x1d00 - [<Opcode.PRINT: '0x1D00'>, None, 0]
22 - 0x1e00 - [<Opcode.INCESTACK: '0x1E00'>, None, 0]
23 - 0xf011 - [<Opcode.JMP: '0xF000'>, 17, 0]
24 - 0x1600 - [<Opcode.EPOP: '0x1600'>, None, 0]
25 - 0x1100 - [<Opcode.HALT: '0x1100'>, None, 0]

Running All tests:

╭─bakalover@bakalover-laptop ~/code/carch  ‹master*› 
╰─➤  poetry run coverage run -m pytest --verbose
====================================== test session starts =======================================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.12, pytest-7.4.3, pluggy-1.3.0 -- /home/bakalover/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/carch-NgvUq6rw-py3.10/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /home/bakalover/code/carch
configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: golden-0.2.2
collected 5 items                                                                                

integration_test.py::test_user[golden/just.yml] PASSED                                     [ 20%]
integration_test.py::test_user[golden/user.yml] PASSED                                     [ 40%]
integration_test.py::test_user[golden/prob_5.yml] PASSED                                   [ 60%]
integration_test.py::test_user[golden/world.yml] PASSED                                    [ 80%]
integration_test.py::test_user[golden/cat.yml] PASSED                                      [100%]


| Шпренгер Консатнтин Александрович | Just | 3 | 52 | 26 | 26 | 43
| Шпренгер Консатнтин Александрович | Cat | 3 | 48 | 24 | 171 | 315
| Шпренгер Консатнтин Александрович | Hello, World | 24 | 12 | 92 | 170 | 315