
Primary LanguageTypeScript


No config setup to package npm packages written in ts. Uses swc to transpile and tsc to emit types. Transpiles into both es-modules and cjs-modules.


By default it reads the tsconfig.json in the package root to determine inputs and oudDir. If you want to customize the behaviour, put a build.config.ts or build.config.js in the package root.

import type { BuildConfig } from "@baked-dev/ts-package";

const config: BuildConfig = {
  out: "dist",

export default config;

BuildConfig Interface

interface BuildConfig {
  tsconfigPath?: string;  // specify path to tsconfig
  out?: string; // override / specify outDir
  sourcemaps?: boolean; // emit sourcemapts
  types?: boolean;  // emit types
  formats?: Record<string, BuildFormatConfig>;  // output formats
  jsc?: JscConfig;  // jsc config passed to swc