
The Growing story of my son, Yizhuo XU.


The Growing story of my son, Yizhuo XU. On Aril 23rd. 2017 13:50, my son Yizhuo XU was born in Shanghai United Family Hosital. After several rounds of naming selection, Yizhuo was the final decision. "濯" is derived from the famous poem by Dunyi ZHOU from Song Dynasty, "吾独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。"

In 2020, the younger brother Elan XU came to this world. Ejay will have another friend with him growing together. We are a team now. “榄” looks familiar, but not very used commmonly. and the pronouciation is good. It also sounds and looks like "览", read,watch. "会当凌绝顶,一览众山小"。