A collection of ground motion model functions

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

Ground Motion Models

This repository provides Matlab scripts to perform calculations from various ground motion models and correlation models. Citations for each model are included within the scripts themselves as well as in the report cited below.

Matlab functions which run each ground motion model are included in the folder 'gmms'. Matlab functions which run each correlation model are included in the folder 'correlations'. They are named based on author's last initials, year of model publication, and the situation for which they are applicable.

Matlab scripts which call the models to plot figures are in the folder 'testing'. These demonstrate how to set up the input variable objects as well as how to utilize the outputs to create figures.

Figures created by the testing scripts are in the folder 'figures'.

Example comparisons to output values from Global Earthquake Model (OpenQuake) output values along with a flexible comparison function are in the folder 'comparison testing'.

Further documentation can be found in the following report:

Mongold and Baker (2021). "A software repository of Ground Motion Models.” Blume Earthquake Engineering Center Technical Report 207. https://purl.stanford.edu/qy113my5899

The following Ground Motion Models are currently provided:

Function Region Predicted metric Reference
a_2015_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Atkinson, 2015)
as_1997_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Abrahamson and Silva, 1997)
as_2008_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Abrahamson and Silva, 2008)
ask_2014_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Abrahamson et al., 2014)
ba_2008_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Boore and Atkinson, 2008)
bjf_1997_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Boore et al., 1997)
bssa_2014_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Boore et al., 2014)
c_1997_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Campbell, 1997)
cb_2008_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Campbell and Bozorgnia, 2008)
cb_2014_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Campbell and Bozorgnia, 2014)
cy_2008_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Chiou and Youngs, 2008)
cy_2014_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Chiou and Youngs, 2014)
i_2008_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Idriss, 2008)
i_2014_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Idriss, 2014)
scemy_1997_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Sadigh et al., 1997)
z_2006_active.m Active crustal Spectral acceleration (Zhao et al., 2006)
as_1996_duration.m Duration (Abrahamson and Silva, 1996; Stewart et al., 2002)
as_2016_duration.m Duration (Afshari and Stewart, 2016)
bsa_2009_duration.m Duration (Bommer et al., 2009)
ab_2006_stable.m Stable continental Spectral acceleration (Atkinson and Boore, 2006)
sp_2016_stable.m Stable continental Spectral acceleration (Shahjouei and Pezeshk, 2016)
ab_2003_subduction.m Subduction Spectral acceleration (Atkinson and Boore, 2003)
aga_2016_subduction.m Subduction Spectral acceleration (Abrahamson et al., 2016)
gswy_2002_subduction.m Subduction Spectral acceleration (Gregor et al., 2002)
ycsh_1997_subduction.m Subduction Spectral acceleration (Youngs et al., 1997)
as_1997_vert.m Active crustal Vertical spectral acceleration (Abrahamson and Silva, 1997)
c_1997_vert.m Active crustal Vertical spectral acceleration (Campbell, 1997)

The following correlation models are currently provided:

Function Cross-period Spatial Reference
a_2011_corr.m y (Al Atik, 2011)
asa_2014_corr.m y (Akkar et al., 2014)
bb_2017_corr.m y (Baker and Bradley, 2017)
bc_2006_corr.m y (Baker and Cornell, 2006)
bj_2008_corr.m y (Baker and Jayaram, 2008)
ga_2009_corr.m y (Goda and Atkinson, 2009)
gh_2008_spatial_corr.m y (Goda and Hong, 2008)
hm_2019_spatial_corr.m y (Heresi and Miranda, 2019)
jb_2009_spatial_corr.m y (Jayaram and Baker, 2009)
lb_2013_spatial_corr.m y y (Loth and Baker, 2013)
mcb_2018_spatial_corr.m y y (Markhvida et al., 2018)

Some additional functions are provided in the extra models folder:

Function Region Predicted metric Reference
ba_2019_EAS.m California/Nevada Fourier amplitude spectra (Bayless and Abrahamson, 2019))

Further resources

Users desiring additional information, or looking for other GMMs, may find the following resources useful:

Note: Note these models were formerly referred to as "attenuation models," but the use of that name is being discouraged as it is misleading in what exactly these models provide. Users of these models should refer to them as "ground motion models." See http://daveboore.com/daves_notes/Thoughts%20on%20the%20acronyms%20GMPE,%20GMPM,%20and%20GMM.pdf


Thanks to Kioumars Afshari, Jeff Bayless, James Bronder, Lynne Burks, Luis Ceferino, Reagan Chandramohan, Gemma Cremen, Abhineet Gupta, Yue Hua, Nirmal Jayaram, David Lallemant, Ting Lin, Christophe Loth, Maryia Markhvida, Lynne Schleiffarth, and Yoshifumi Yamamoto for their contributions that assisted with this effort. Thanks to Yilin Chen for advice regarding file structures.