Lightspeed offloader

The project stands for submitting exported eCommerce orders into Lightspeed via REST API. After the order is created in Lightspeed shop, an output CSV file with order status is created. Monitoring script is responsible for tracking status changes, and creating a new CSV file if the event has occurred.

The application consists of two modules.


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • pip package manager
  • crontab tool for Linux


This section covers application installation topic for development purposes. Installation instructions for production environment is located in section Deployment.

  1. In order to install application dependencies execute from the root directory:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. If you are using the standard log config, make sure that logs/ folder exists in the directory from which you are starting the script.
  3. The application requires SFTP password and Lightspeed API secret to be present in config file. For the sake of security, these strings should be encrypted using utility. From the root directory execute:
    python shared/ -w <path_to_the_output_file>.enc
    You will be asked for the master password, which should be added to the application config.


Execute in the terminal from the root directory:

python -m <module_name> -c config/<path_to_app_config>.yaml -l config/<path_to_log_config>.yaml

The application consts of two modules:

  • lightspeed_offloader
  • status_checker

Each of the modules uses the same application and log configs. See below for a config description.

Application config

Property Description Example
sftp-host SFTP server hostname. ""
sftp-port SFTP server port. 22 is mostly used as default. 22
sftp-user SFTP user. "root"
sftp-pass-path Path to the encrypted SFTP password. "./config/sftp-pass.enc"
sftp-input-folder A folder on the SFTP server, which contains exported eCommerce orders in CSV format. "out"
sftp-output-folder A folder on the SFTP server, which contains order statuses in CSV format. "in"
sftp-archive-folder A folder on the SFTP server, which processed, 'confirmed', or 'shipped' orders moved to. "archiv"
lightspeed-api-url Base URL for the Lightspeed shop. ""
lightspeed-api-key Lightspeed shop API key. See docs. "somerandomekey"
lightspeed-api-secret-path Path to the encrypted Lightspeed API secret token. "./config/lightspeed-secret.enc"
lightspeed-shipment-id An id of the shipment method to use. See docs. "12345"
lightspeed-shipment-value-id A value id of the shipment method to use. See docs. "67890"
master-password Password which has been used to encrypt both the SFTP password and Lightspeed API secret. "VeryStrongAndSecretPassword"

Note the quotes in the Example column.


Make sure that Python 3 is available by executing in terminal:

python3 --version

Navigate to the scripts/ folder and execute:

./ <absolute_path_to_the_root_folder_of_this_repository> script performs the following steps:

  1. Checks if Python and pip are installed.
  2. Installs application dependencies.
  3. Creates logs/ folder.
  4. Checks if crontab installed.
  5. Creates crontab jobs.

IMPORTANT, you have to set up config.yaml (see section Application config) and encrypt passwords (see section Installation) on your own.

Docker for development

To develop inside the Docker container from the root directory execute the following (for Windows only):

docker pull python:3.7
docker run -d -it --name lightspeed-offloader -v "%cd%":/src python:3.7 
docker exec -it lightspeed-offloader /bin/bash

Inside the container /src folder will be created with the application source code.