
I challenged myself to solve one leetcode.com problem every day. You can give me more motivation by giving this github repo a star ⭐. Thank you 🙏

Primary LanguagePHP

LeetCode Challenge

I challenged myself to solve one leetcode.com problem every day. To navigate to the source code for a particular problem, click on the link of the day for that problem. The description of the problem in leetcode is given in the link to the problem and in the source code of the problem.

My account on LeetCode - https://leetcode.com/bakhtiyorbs LeetCode user bakhtiyorbs

Progress: 366 days /Tasks solved: 370 / Missed days: 9 days

You can give me more motivation by giving this GitHub repo a star ⭐. Thank you 🙏

Day Date Problem Level
366 October 11, 2023 Simplify Path MEDIUM
365 October 10, 2023 Frequency of the Most Frequent Element MEDIUM
364 October 09, 2023 Maximize Distance to Closest Person MEDIUM
363 October 08, 2023 Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences MEDIUM
362 October 07, 2023 Jump Game III MEDIUM
361 October 06, 2023 Task Scheduler II MEDIUM
360 October 05, 2023 Two Best Non-Overlapping Events MEDIUM
359 October 04, 2023 Steps to Make Array Non-decreasing MEDIUM
358 October 03, 2023 Convert to Base -2 MEDIUM
357 October 02, 2023 Set Matrix Zeroes MEDIUM
356 October 01, 2023 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown MEDIUM
355 September 30, 2023 3Sum With Multiplicity MEDIUM
354 September 29, 2023 2 Keys Keyboard MEDIUM
353 September 28, 2023 Richest Customer Wealth EASY
352 September 27, 2023 Partition Array for Maximum Sum MEDIUM
351 September 26, 2023 Asteroid Collision MEDIUM
350 September 25, 2023 Alphabet Board Path MEDIUM
349 September 24, 2023 Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length MEDIUM
348 September 23, 2023 Max Sum of a Pair With Equal Sum of Digits MEDIUM
347 September 22, 2023 Greatest Sum Divisible by Three MEDIUM
346 September 21, 2023 Smallest Integer Divisible by K MEDIUM
345 September 20, 2023 Course Schedule II MEDIUM
344 September 19, 2023 Angle Between Hands of a Clock MEDIUM
343 September 18, 2023 Maximum Number of Non-Overlapping Subarrays With Sum Equals Target MEDIUM
342 September 17, 2023 Rank Transform of an Array EASY
341 September 16, 2023 Generate a String With Characters That Have Odd Counts EASY
340 September 15, 2023 Two City Scheduling MEDIUM
339 September 14, 2023 Latest Time by Replacing Hidden Digits EASY
338 September 13, 2023 Surface Area of 3D Shapes EASY
337 September 12, 2023 Count Binary Substrings EASY
336 September 11, 2023 Number of Employees Who Met the Target EASY
335 September 10, 2023 Odd String Difference EASY
334 September 09, 2023 Decode XORed Array EASY
333 September 07, 2023 Smallest Subsequence of Distinct Characters MEDIUM
332 September 04, 2023 Maximum Subarray MEDIUM
331 September 03, 2023 Expressive Words MEDIUM
330 September 02, 2023 Group Anagrams MEDIUM
329 September 01, 2023 Merge Intervals MEDIUM
328 August 31, 2023 XOR Operation in an Array EASY
327 August 30, 2023 Longest Subsequence With Limited Sum EASY
326 August 29, 2023 Determine if String Halves Are Alike EASY
325 August 28, 2023 Number of Days Between Two Dates EASY
324 August 27, 2023 Faulty Keyboard EASY
323 August 26, 2023 Minimize String Length EASY
322 August 25, 2023 Delete Operation for Two Strings MEDIUM
321 August 24, 2023 Check Whether Two Strings are Almost Equivalent EASY
320 August 23, 2023 Sort Array By Parity II EASY
319 August 22, 2023 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix MEDIUM
318 August 21, 2023 Maximum Repeating Substring EASY
317 August 20, 2023 Count Prefixes of a Given String EASY
316 August 19, 2023 Valid Boomerang EASY
315 August 18, 2023 Check Array Formation Through Concatenation EASY
314 August 17, 2023 Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays EASY
313 August 16, 2023 Largest Local Values in a Matrix EASY
312 August 15, 2023 Split Strings by Separator EASY
311 August 14, 2023 Degree of an Array EASY
310 August 13, 2023 Maximum Ascending Subarray Sum EASY
309 August 12, 2023 Count Number of Pairs With Absolute Difference K EASY
308 August 11, 2023 Check if Numbers Are Ascending in a Sentence EASY
307 August 10, 2023 Form Smallest Number From Two Digit Arrays EASY
306 August 09, 2023 Minimum Number of Moves to Seat Everyone EASY
305 August 08, 2023 Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum EASY
304 August 07, 2023 Minimum Cost of Buying Candies With Discount EASY
303 August 06, 2023 Split a String in Balanced Strings EASY
302 August 05, 2023 Count Common Words With One Occurrence EASY
301 August 03, 2023 Sort Array by Increasing Frequency EASY
300 August 02, 2023 Find the Maximum Divisibility Score EASY
299 August 01, 2023 Find the Width of Columns of a Grid EASY
298 July 31, 2023 Prime Arrangements EASY
297 July 30, 2023 Determine the Winner of a Bowling Game Easy EASY
296 July 29, 2023 Shift 2D Grid EASY
295 July 28, 2023 Matrix Cells in Distance Order EASY
294 July 27, 2023 Check if Matrix Is X-Matrix EASY
293 July 26, 2023 Convert Integer to the Sum of Two No-Zero Integers EASY
292 July 25, 2023 Take Gifts From the Richest Pile EASY
291 July 24, 2023 Minimum Moves to Convert String EASY
290 July 23, 2023 Maximum Number of Words You Can Type EASY
289 July 22, 2023 Most Frequent Number Following Key In an Array EASY
288 July 21, 2023 Best Poker Hand EASY
287 July 20, 2023 Maximum Product of Two Elements in an Array EASY
286 July 19, 2023 Detect Pattern of Length M Repeated K or More Times EASY
285 July 18, 2023 Check if All Characters Have Equal Number of Occurrences EASY
284 July 17, 2023 Word Pattern EASY
283 July 16, 2023 Maximum Product of Three Numbers EASY
282 July 15, 2023 Largest Number At Least Twice of Others EASY
281) July 14, 2023 Find Nearest Point That Has the Same X or Y Coordinate EASY
280 July 13, 2023 Three Divisors EASY
279 July 12, 2023 Sum of Digits of String After Convert EASY
278 July 11, 2023 Count Elements With Strictly Smaller and Greater Elements EASY
277 July 10, 2023 Count and Say MEDIUM
276 July 09, 2023 Minimum Distance to the Target Element EASY
275 July 08, 2023 Largest Positive Integer That Exists With Its Negative EASY
274 July 07, 2023 Find Pivot Index EASY
273 July 06, 2023 Minimum Absolute Difference EASY
272 July 05, 2023 Maximum Count of Positive Integer and Negative Integer EASY
271 July 04, 2023 Minimum Sum of Four Digit Number After Splitting Digits EASY
270 July 03, 2023 Average Salary Excluding the Minimum and Maximum Salary EASY
269 July 02, 2023 Intersection of Multiple Arrays EASY
268 July 01, 2023 Divide a String Into Groups of Size k EASY
267 June 30, 2023 Number of Beautiful Pairs EASY
266 June 29, 2023 Largest Odd Number in String EASY
265 June 28, 2023 Percentage of Letter in String EASY
264 June 27, 2023 Divide Array Into Equal Pairs EASY
263 June 26, 2023 Count Distinct Numbers on Board EASY
262 June 25, 2023 Count Operations to Obtain Zero EASY
261 June 24, 2023 Neither Minimum nor Maximum EASY
260 June 23, 2023 Check if The Number is Fascinating EASY
259 June 22, 2023 A Number After a Double Reversal EASY
258 June 21, 2023 Split With Minimum Sum EASY
257 June 20, 2023 Buy Two Chocolates EASY
256 June 19, 2023 Total Distance Traveled EASY
255 June 18, 2023 Finding 3-Digit Even Numbers EASY
254 June 17, 2023 Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly Increasing EASY
253 June 16, 2023 Find Lucky Integer in an Array EASY
252 June 15, 2023 Two Furthest Houses With Different Colors EASY
251 June 14, 2023 Check if Every Row and Column Contains All Numbers EASY
250 June 13, 2023 Maximum Number of Balls in a Box EASY
249 June 11, 2023 Reformat Phone Number EASY
248 June 10, 2023 Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero EASY
247 June 09, 2023 Greatest English Letter in Upper and Lower Case EASY
246 June 08, 2023 Lucky Numbers in a Matrix EASY
245 June 07, 2023 Increasing Decreasing String EASY
244 June 06, 2023 Count Items Matching a Rule EASY
243 June 05, 2023 Divide Two Integers MEDIUM
242 June 04, 2023 Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array EASY
241 June 03, 2023 Calculate Amount Paid in Taxes EASY
240 June 02, 2023 Time Needed to Buy Tickets EASY
239 June 01, 2023 Remove Trailing Zeros From a String EASY
238 May 31, 2023 Two Out of Three EASY
237 May 30, 2023 Decrypt String from Alphabet to Integer Mapping EASY
236 May 29, 2023 Calculate Money in Leetcode Bank EASY
235 May 28, 2023 Row With Maximum Ones EASY
234 May 27, 2023 Divisor Game EASY
233 May 26, 2023 Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array EASY
232 May 25, 2023 Count Special Quadruplets EASY
231 May 24, 2023 Sum of Unique Elements EASY
230 May 23, 2023 Find Greatest Common Divisor of Array EASY
229 May 22, 2023 Count of Matches in Tournament EASY
228 May 21, 2023 Find Closest Number to Zero EASY
227 May 20, 2023 Sum Multiples EASY
226 May 19, 2023 Find the Middle Index in Array EASY
225 May 18, 2023 Calculate Delayed Arrival Time EASY
224 May 17, 2023 Number of Senior Citizens EASY
223 May 16, 2023 Running Sum of 1d Array EASY
222 May 15, 2023 Difference Between Element Sum and Digit Sum of an Array EASY
221 May 14, 2023 Three Consecutive Odds EASY
220 May 13, 2023 Defanging an IP Address EASY
219 May 12, 2023 Maximum Population Year EASY
218 May 11, 2023 Destination City EASY
217 May 10, 2023 Number of Good Pairs EASY
216 May 09, 2023 Count Integers With Even Digit Sum EASY
215 May 08, 2023 Reverse Prefix of Word EASY
214 May 07, 2023 Smallest Even Multiple EASY
213 May 05, 2023 Capitalize The Title EASY
212 May 04, 2023 Min Max Game EASY
211 May 03, 2023 Find the Difference of Two Arrays EASY
210 May 02, 2023 Sign of the Product of an Array EASY
209 May 01, 2023 Average Value of Even Numbers That Are Divisible by Three EASY
208 April 30, 2023 Replace All Digits with Characters EASY
207 April 29, 2023 Rotate Image MEDIUM
206 April 28, 2023 Consecutive Characters EASY
205 April 27, 2023 Largest Perimeter Triangle EASY
204 April 26, 2023 Second-Largest Digit in a String EASY
203 April 25, 2023 Transpose Matrix EASY
202 April 24, 2023 Water Bottles EASY
201 April 23, 2023 Find Common Characters EASY
200 April 22, 2023 Matrix Diagonal Sum EASY
199 April 21, 2023 Day of the Week EASY
198 April 20, 2023 Check if Number Has Equal Digit Count and Digit Value EASY
197 April 19, 2023 Prime In Diagonal EASY
196 April 18, 2023 Merge Strings Alternately EASY
195 April 17, 2023 Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies EASY
194 April 16, 2023 Count Days Spent Together EASY
193 April 15, 2023 Combination Sum MEDIUM
192 April 14, 2023 Categorize Box According to Criteria EASY
191 April 13, 2023 Concatenation of Array EASY
190 April 12, 2023 Reformat Date EASY
189 April 11, 2023 Rectangle Overlap EASY
188 April 10, 2023 Maximum Value of a String in an Array EASY
187 April 09, 2023 Valid Sudoku MEDIUM
186 April 08, 2023 Count the Digits That Divide a Number EASY
185 April 07, 2023 Count Pairs Of Similar Strings EASY
184 April 06, 2023 Find the Pivot Integer EASY
183 April 05, 2023 Number of Common Factors EASY
182 April 04, 2023 Merge Two 2D Arrays by Summing Values EASY
181 April 03, 2023 Apply Operations to an Array EASY
180 April 02, 2023 Determine Color of a Chessboard Square EASY
179 April 01, 2023 Number of Valid Clock Times EASY
178 March 31, 2023 Find the Highest Altitude EASY
177 March 30, 2023 Merge Similar Items EASY
176 March 29, 2023 Decode the Message EASY
175 March 28, 2023 Minimum Common Value EASY
174 March 27, 2023 Number of Even and Odd Bits EASY
173 March 26, 2023 Left and Right Sum Differences EASY
172 March 25, 2023 Delete Greatest Value in Each Row EASY
171 March 24, 2023 First Letter to Appear Twice EASY
170 March 23, 2023 Alternating Digit Sum EASY
169 March 22, 2023 Separate the Digits in an Array EASY
168 March 21, 2023 Maximum 69 Number EASY
167 March 20, 2023 To Lower Case EASY
166 March 19, 2023 Convert the Temperature EASY
165 March 18, 2023 Design Browser History MEDIUM
164 March 17, 2023 Pass the Pillow EASY
163 March 16, 2023 Count the Number of Vowel Strings in Range EASY
162 March 15, 2023 Check if the Sentence Is Pangram EASY
161 March 14, 2023 Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time EASY
160 March 13, 2023 Design HashMap EASY
159 March 12, 2023 Design HashSet EASY
158 March 11, 2023 Power of Four EASY
157 March 10, 2023 Count Negative Numbers in a Sorted Matrix EASY
156 March 09, 2023 Rotate String EASY
155 March 08, 2023 Maximum Number of Balloons EASY
154 March 07, 2023 Convert a Number to Hexadecimal EASY
153 March 06, 2023 Kth Missing Positive Number EASY
152 March 05, 2023 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array MEDIUM
151 March 04, 2023 Count Subarrays With Fixed Bounds HARD
150 March 03, 2023 Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String MEDIUM
149 March 02, 2023 String Compression MEDIUM
148 March 01, 2023 Sort an Array MEDIUM
147 February 28, 2023 Day of the Year EASY
146 February 27, 2023 Unique Email Addresses EASY
145 February 26, 2023 Jewels and Stones EASY
144 February 25, 2023 Can Place Flowers EASY
143 February 24, 2023 Set Mismatch EASY
142 February 23, 2023 Distribute Candies EASY
141 February 22, 2023 Reshape the Matrix EASY
140 February 21, 2023 Single Element in a Sorted Array MEDIUM
139 February 20, 2023 Student Attendance Record I EASY
138 February 19, 2023 Reverse String II EASY
137 February 18, 2023 Array Partition EASY
136 February 17, 2023 Excel Sheet Column Title EASY
135 February 16, 2023 Teemo Attacking EASY
134 February 15, 2023 Add to Array-Form of Integer EASY
133 February 14, 2023 Base 7 EASY
132 February 13, 2023 Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range EASY
131 February 12, 2023 Detect Capital EASY
130 February 11, 2023 Nim Game EASY
129 February 10, 2023 As Far from Land as Possible MEDIUM
128 February 09, 2023 Perfect Number EASY
127 February 08, 2023 Fibonacci Number EASY
126 February 07, 2023 Fruit Into Baskets MEDIUM
125 February 06, 2023 Shuffle the Array EASY
124 February 05, 2023 Find All Anagrams in a String MEDIUM
123 February 04, 2023 Permutation in String MEDIUM
122 February 03, 2023 Isomorphic Strings EASY
121 February 02, 2023 Summary Ranges EASY
120 February 01, 2023 Greatest Common Divisor of Strings EASY
119 January 31, 2023 Keyboard Row EASY
118 January 30, 2023 Relative Ranks EASY
117 January 29, 2023 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops MEDIUM
116 January 28, 2023 Hamming Distance EASY
115 January 27, 2023 Self Dividing Numbers EASY
114 January 26, 2023 License Key Formatting EASY
113 January 25, 2023 Island Perimeter EASY
112 January 24, 2023 Remove Linked List Elements EASY
111 January 23, 2023 Find the Town Judge EASY
110 January 22, 2023 Linked List Cycle EASY
109 January 21, 2023 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List EASY
108 January 20, 2023 Rotate List MEDIUM
107 January 19, 2023 Subarray Sums Divisible by K MEDIUM
106 January 18, 2023 Merge Two Sorted Lists EASY
105 January 17, 2023 Flip String to Monotone Increasing MEDIUM
104 January 16, 2023 Number Complement EASY
103 January 15, 2023 Reverse Only Letters EASY
102 January 14, 2023 Combinations MEDIUM
101 January 13, 2023 Sort Colors MEDIUM
100 January 12, 2023 Multiply Strings MEDIUM
99 January 11, 2023 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number MEDIUM
98 January 10, 2023 Jump Game MEDIUM
97 January 09, 2023 Container With Most Water MEDIUM
96 January 08, 2023 Truncate Sentence EASY
95 January 07, 2023 Assign Cookies EASY
94 January 06, 2023 Maximum Ice Cream Bars MEDIUM
93 January 05, 2023 Coin Change MEDIUM
92 January 04, 2023 Word Search MEDIUM
91 January 03, 2023 Find All Duplicates in an Array MEDIUM
90 January 02, 2023 Counting Bits EASY
89 January 01, 2023 Range Sum Query - Immutable EASY
88 December 31, 2022 Shuffle String EASY
87 December 30, 2022 Robot Return to Origin EASY
86 December 29, 2022 Add Strings EASY
85 December 28, 2022 Sort the People EASY
84 December 27, 2022 Thousand Separator EASY
83 December 26, 2022 Find Winner on a Tic Tac Toe Game EASY
82 December 25, 2022 Unique Morse Code Words EASY
81 December 24, 2022 Long Pressed Name EASY
80 December 23, 2022 Minimum Changes To Make Alternating Binary String EASY
79 December 22, 2022 Number Of Rectangles That Can Form The Largest Square EASY
78 December 21, 2022 Find Words That Can Be Formed by Characters EASY
77 December 20, 2022 Smallest Index With Equal Value EASY
76 December 19, 2022 Flipping an Image EASY
75 December 18, 2022 Number of Segments in a String EASY
74 December 17, 2022 Number of Lines To Write String EASY
73 December 16, 2022 Baseball Game EASY
72 December 15, 2022 Shortest Distance to a Character EASY
71 December 14, 2022 Add Binary EASY
70 December 13, 2022 Ransom Note EASY
69 December 12, 2022 Longest Palindrome EASY
68 December 11, 2022 Reverse Vowels of a String EASY
67 December 10, 2022 Monotonic Array EASY
66 December 09, 2022 Fizz Buzz EASY
65 December 08, 2022 Valid Palindrome II EASY
64 December 07, 2022 Arranging Coins EASY
63 December 06, 2022 Is Subsequence EASY
62 December 05, 2022 Valid Perfect Square EASY
61 December 04, 2022 Most Frequent Even Element EASY
60 December 03, 2022 Intersection of Two Arrays EASY
59 December 02, 2022 Power of Three EASY
58 December 01, 2022 Contains Duplicate II EASY
57 November 30, 2022 Unique Number of Occurrences EASY
56 November 29, 2022 Add Digits EASY
55 November 28, 2022 Intersection of Two Arrays II EASY
54 November 27, 2022 First Unique Character in a String EASY
53 November 26, 2022 Find the Difference EASY
52 November 25, 2022 Contains Duplicate EASY
51 November 24, 2022 Number of Distinct Averages EASY
50 November 23, 2022 3Sum MEDIUM
49 November 22, 2022 Climbing Stairs EASY
48 November 21, 2022 Pascal's Triangle II EASY
47 November 20, 2022 Pascal's Triangle EASY
46 November 19, 2022 Majority Element EASY
45 November 18, 2022 Ugly Number EASY
44 November 17, 2022 Missing Number EASY
43 November 16, 2022 Guess Number Higher or Lower EASY
42 November 15, 2022 Length of Last Word EASY
41 November 14, 2022 HappyNumber EASY
40 November 13, 2022 Reverse Words in a String MEDIUM
39 November 12, 2022 Sqrt(x) EASY
38 November 11, 2022 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters MEDIUM
37 November 10, 2022 Remove Nth Node From End of List MEDIUM
36 November 10, 2022 Middle of the Linked List EASY
35 November 08, 2022 Reverse Words in a String III EASY
34 November 07, 2022 Reverse String EASY
33 November 06, 2022 Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted MEDIUM
32 November 05, 2022 Rotate Array MEDIUM
31 November 04, 2022 First Bad Version EASY
30 November 03, 2022 Binary Search EASY
29 November 02, 2022 Pow(x, n) MEDIUM
28 November 01, 2022 Daily Temperatures MEDIUM
27 October 31, 2022 Toeplitz Matrix EASY
26 October 30, 2022 Single Number EASY
25 October 29, 2022 Excel Sheet Column Number EASY
24 October 28, 2022 Power of Two EASY
23 October 27, 2022 Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array EASY
22 October 26, 2022 Third Maximum Number EASY
21 October 25, 2022 Height Checker EASY
20 October 24, 2022 Valid Parentheses EASY
19 October 23, 2022 Determine if Two Events Have Conflict EASY
18 October 22, 2022 Sort Array By Parity EASY
18 October 22, 2022 Move Zeroes EASY
17 October 20, 2022 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array EASY
16 October 19, 2022 Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side EASY
15 October 18, 2022 Valid Mountain Array EASY
15 October 18, 2022 Check If N and Its Double Exist EASY
14 October 17, 2022 Remove Element EASY
13 October 16, 2022 Merge Sorted Array EASY
12 October 14, 2022 Duplicate Zeros EASY
11 October 13, 2022 Squares of a Sorted Array EASY
10 October 12, 2022 Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits EASY
10 October 12, 2022 Max Consecutive Ones EASY
9 October 11, 2022 Plus One EASY
8 October 10, 2022 Search Insert Position EASY
7 October 09, 2022 Two Sum IV - Input is a BST EASY
6 October 08, 2022 3Sum Closest MEDIUM
5 October 07, 2022 Longest Common Prefix EASY
4 October 06, 2022 Roman to Integer EASY
3 October 05, 2022 Valid Palindrome EASY
2 October 04, 2022 Palindrome Number EASY
1 October 03, 2022 Two Sum EASY
1 October 03, 2022 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock EASY