
Sortable — is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • Support touch devices
  • Built using native HTML5 drag and drop API
  • Simple API
  • Lightweight, 2KB gzipped
  • No jQuery


<ul id="items">
	<li>item 1</li>
	<li>item 2</li>
	<li>item 3</li>
new Sortable(items);


new Sortable(elem, {
	group: "name",
	handle: ".my-handle", // Restricts sort start click/touch to the specified element
	draggable: ".item",   // Specifies which items inside the element should be sortable
	ghostClass: "sortable-ghost",

	onAdd: function (evt){
		var itemEl = ui.detail;

	onUpdate: function (evt){
		var itemEl = ui.detail; // the current dragged HTMLElement

	onRemove: function (evt){
		var itemEl = ui.detail;