GoRetrier - A non sophisticated retry module in Golang.


go get github.com/silverspell/goretrier


Create a struct that implements a Retrieable interface (has an Exec () error function). Then simply create a pointer of the Retrier struct using New() function and call the Start() method.

package main

import (

	retrier "github.com/silverspell/goretrier"

type MyTask struct {
	myTitle string

func (m *MyTask) Exec() error {
	if m.myTitle == "AAA" {
		fmt.Println("Error. myTitle should not be AAA")
		return errors.New("Unknown error")
	fmt.Printf("My Title:%s\n", m.myTitle)
	return nil

func Callback(r *retrier.Retrier) {
	if r.Err() != nil {
		fmt.Println("Callback: ", r.Err())
	fmt.Println("Callback: ", "No error")

func main() {
	t := &MyTask{
		myTitle: "BBB",

	t2 := &MyTask{
		myTitle: "AAA",

	// t is the Retriable interface, 3 is the maximum attempts, 1000 is the milliseconds delay between attempts.
	r, err := retrier.New(t, 3, 1000)
	if err != nil {
	// t2 is the Retriable interface, 5 is the maximum attempts, 500 is the milliseconds delay between attempts.
	r2, err := retrier.New(t2, 5, 500)
	if err != nil {

	wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}

	r.Start(wg, Callback)
	r2.Start(wg, func(r *retrier.Retrier) {
		if r.Err() != nil {
			fmt.Printf("r2 task is failed after %d retries. error: %s\n", r.Attempts(), r.Err())
		fmt.Println("r2 task is done sucessfully")