Slayer is a groundbreaking gaming experience inspired by the universe of the popular manga, Goblin Slayer.
This game is deployed on Starknet, to offer a novel and immersive gameplay experience. Developed using the innovative Dojo framework, it combines elements of strategy, role-playing, and real-time action, ensuring a thrilling adventure for all players.
You can learn more about the game watching the video trailer
This rulebook serves as a comprehensive guide to the exciting and challenging world of Slayer game.
Embark on your adventure, outwit the goblins, and rise to the top of the leaderboard!
Open the client:
Upon launching the game, a burner account is automatically deployed and stored in cache. Players have the option to personalize their gaming experience by renaming the default account name and deploying a new burner account.
Players can move freely across the game map using the WASD keys.
Press the 'E' key to interact with specific locations on the map. These locations are hidden and must be discovered by the player.
The 'Q' key triggers a duel with a goblin hiding in the tall grass.
Duels are turn-based dice games spread over three rounds.
Players face goblins of varying difficulty levels, each with a dice score determined by a unique seed.
To win, players must outscore the goblin in dice rolls over the three rounds.
Each round offers the option to re-roll some or all dice to improve the score.
Victories in duels reward players with gold and experience points.
Experience points enhance the visual appearance of the player's character and help climb the ranks in the game's leaderboard.
Gold can be used to buy in-game bonuses, like extra rounds in duels. Note that the in-game shop is inaccessible during duels.
Accumulated experience and gold grant players titles that are visible to others in the leaderboard.
Failing in a duel results in the loss of all accumulated experience.
Players are reset to the base gold level and lose any acquired bonuses.
A version using the Pragma VRF feature has been implmented and deployed on testnet, however there is no front yet for this version.
World address: 0x5a5719cdf14d12207354a1f1b3c6ce8814fcd9b328c7e3950c78b99f373a46a
You can try it directly on voyager:
- Open Voyager
- Create a Slayer with the world address and your slayer name
- Request a seek using
with the world address (the slayer you created is attached to your wallet) - What few block and then you can play your duel using the
- When your duel ends you can seek again
Note: seek
function use the tx hash for the duel seed, which is less secure but quicker.
Here is the request seek tx example:
And here the VRF callback tx:
pnpm install
# add .env then:
pnpm run dev:server
pnpm run dev
Client - vercel
Chain - slot