
ESM based Trivial generator for ids which are unique within an application for SSR web applications

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Special credits to Andreas Rozek on whose repo this library is based

NPM users: please consider the Github README for the latest description of this package (as updating the docs would otherwise always require a new NPM package version)


locally-unique-id-generator-esm may be used as an ECMAScript module (ESM), a CommonJS or AMD module or from a global variable.

You may either install the package into your build environment using NPM with the command

npm install locally-unique-id-generator-esm

or load the plain script file directly

<script src="https://unpkg.com/locally-unique-id-generator-esm"></script>


How to access the package depends on the type of module you prefer

  • ESM (or Svelte): import newUniqueId from 'locally-unique-id-generator-esm'
  • CommonJS: const newUniqueId = require('locally-unique-id-generator-esm')
  • AMD: require(['locally-unique-id-generator-esm'], (newUniqueId) => {...})

Alternatively, you may access the global variable newUniqueId directly.

Usage within Svelte

For Svelte it is recommended to import the package within a module context:

<script context="module">
  import newUniqueId from 'locally-unique-id-generator-esm'

  console.log('next unique id:',newUniqueId())

Usage as ECMAscript, CommonJS or AMD Module (or as a global Variable)

Let's assume that you already "required" or "imported" (or simply loaded) the module according to your local environment. In that case, you may use it as follows:

console.log('next unique id:',newUniqueId())

Background Information

From time to time, it may be necessary to generate unique ids (e.g., for the ids of data lists in a web page). This module provides a trivial solution for this problem by using a counter to generate ids of the form uid-<counter>. Within the same application, such keys are guaranteed to be unique (unless more than 2^53 of them are created while that application is running) - but only while the application is running: as soon as the application is restarted, the counter starts from 0 again.

If you need universally unique ids, you should better generate UUIDs/GUIDs of type 4 (see below)

JavaScript API

This package offers a JavaScript default export, which may be imported (or required) as shown in the "Access" section above.

With such an import, the JavaScript API can be used as follows:

  • newUniqueId() - returns a new, unique literal id of the form uid-<counter> with "counter" starting at 1


An example is available on the Svelte REPL - feel free to play with it!

Alternative for Universally Unique Ids

UUIDs/GUIDs of type 4 may be easily created using the following code:

   function newUUID ():string {
    let Id = '', IdPart
    IdPart = Math.round(Math.random()*0xffffffff).toString(16)
      Id += IdPart + '00000000'.slice(IdPart.length) + '-'
      IdPart = Math.round(Math.random()*0xffff).toString(16)
      Id += IdPart + '0000'.slice(IdPart.length) + '-4'
      IdPart = Math.round(Math.random()*0xfff).toString(16)
      Id += IdPart + '000'.slice(IdPart.length) + '-'
      IdPart = Math.round(Math.random()*0x3fff+0x8000).toString(16)
      Id += IdPart + '-'
      IdPart = Math.round(Math.random()*0xffffffffffff).toString(16)
      Id += IdPart + '000000000000'.slice(IdPart.length)
    return Id.toLowerCase()

provided that cryptographic uniqueness is not required.


MIT License