
A set of Python scripts that converts wikilinks in Markdown files into standard Hugo links.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Rewrite Wikilinks in Zettelkasten as Hugo Links

This repository contains two Python scripts:

  • zettel_link_rewriter.py which can take a folder of Markdown files (or any other compatible format) and convert any links that are in [[wikilink]] format into a link format that can be used with Hugo.
  • zettel_hugo_postmaker.py which can take a folder of Markdown files (files with a .md extension only) and:
    • Using pandoc, convert any citation links in pandoc compatible format into nicely formatted Citation links
    • Convert any links that are in [[wikilink]] format into a link format that can be used with Hugo.


Most Zettelkasten software today will handle linking between different notes by adding a link using the [[wikilink]] syntax. This is great for reading and writing within the Zettelkasten ecosystem but Hugo does not recognize the [[wikilink]] syntax. These scripts attempt to give you more inter-operability with Hugo by converting [[wikilinks]] into standard Hugo [wikilink]({{ relref "wikilink" }}) syntax.

Details about each of the scripts in this repo can be found below.



  • Fully cross-platform. Script was developed in a Windows environment and is extensively tested to work in Windows.
  • Provides a number of parameters to configure the script. Parameters can be specified either on the command-line or via a configuration file. Refer to zettel_link_rewriter.ini to see an example.
  • Handles wikilinks within Markdown code blocks correctly, i.e., does not rewrite them. This includes fenced code blocks, inline code snippets and code blocks indented with four spaces. Do note the Caveats though.
  • Minimal dependencies. The script requires only one additional package to be installed (which is because Python's built-in argparse module is terrible.)


  • Python 3.4 or higher (Script has only been tested with Python 3.8)
  • List of packages specified in requirements.txt

Getting Started

You can use this script by cloning the repo and installing Python and the script dependencies in a Python venv.

git clone https://github.com/balaji-dutt/zettel-hugo-postmaker.git
python -m venv .venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python zettel_link_rewriter.py

Running the script as shown above will make the script run with a set of built-in defaults. But you can configure the script either by supplying a list of parameters on the command-line:

python zettel_link_rewriter.py -v debug -p all --target_files ./dest/

Or you can configure the script by passing a path to a configuration file:

python zettel_link_rewriter.py -c myconfig.ini

An explanation of the different parameters the script recognizes are provided below.


Parameter Mandatory Description
-h No Show a help message
-c / --config No Specify path to Configuration file.
By default, the script will look for a configuration file named zettel_link_rewriter.ini in the same directory
-v No Verbosity option. Configures the logging level for the script. You can specify 3 levels of verbosity - warning/info/debug. The default is warning
-f / --file No Write log messages to a file instead of on the console.
--source_files No Specify path to directory containing source markdown files to be processed.
Default is to use a "source" folder in the current directory.
--target_files No Specify path to directory where processed markdown files should be saved.
Default is to use a "dest" folder in the current directory.
The folder where markdown files should be saved after processing will be created if it does not exist.
-p / --process No Flag to tell the script whether it should process all files in the source directory or only recently modified files.
The parameter supports two values - all or modified
-m / --minutes No Specify in minutes the time-limit for finding recently modified files. Can be used with -p modified option.
If this is not specified, the script will use a default value of 60 minutes.



  • Fully cross-platform. Script was developed in a Windows environment and is extensively tested to work in Windows.
  • Provides a number of parameters to configure the script. Parameters can be specified either on the command-line or via a configuration file. Refer to zettel_hugo_postmaker.ini to see an example.
  • Handles most wikilinks within Markdown code blocks correctly, i.e., does not rewrite them. This includes fenced code blocks and inline code snippets but does not exclude code blocks indented with four spaces. More details in the Caveats section.


  • Python 3.4 or higher (Script has only been tested with Python 3.8)
  • pandoc installed and available in your $PATH
  • Valid Bibliography file that can be understood by pandoc.
  • Valid Citation Language Style file.
  • List of packages specified in requirements.txt

Getting Started

You can use this script by cloning the repo and installing Python and the script dependencies in a Python venv.

git clone https://github.com/balaji-dutt/zettel-hugo-postmaker.git
python -m venv .venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python zettel_hugo_postmaker.py -h

You can configure the script either by supplying a list of parameters on the command-line:

python zettel_hugo_postmaker.py --cite TRUE --bib mybib.bib --csl chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl --source_files ./source/ --target_files ./dest/

Or you can configure the script by passing a path to a configuration file:

python zettel_link_rewriter.py -c myconfig.ini

An explanation of the different parameters the script recognizes are provided below.


Parameter Mandatory Description
-h No Show a help message
-c / --config No Specify path to Configuration file.
By default, the script will look for a configuration file named zettel_link_rewriter.ini in the same directory
-v No Verbosity option. Configures the logging level for the script. You can specify 3 levels of verbosity - warning/info/debug. The default is warning
-f / --file No Write log messages to a file instead of on the console.
--cite Yes Specify whether pandoc should process citation references in source Markdown files. The parameter recognizes two values - TRUE / FALSE.
Set to TRUE by default and requires --bib and --csl parameters to be supplied as well.
--source_files No Specify path to directory containing source markdown files to be processed.
Default is to use a "source" folder in the current directory.
--target_files Yes Specify path to directory where processed markdown files should be saved.
Default is to use a "dest" folder in the current directory.
The folder where markdown files should be saved after processing will be created if it does not exist.
--bib Yes Specify path to Bibiliography file that should be used by pandoc for looking up citations.
--csl Yes Specify path to Citation Language Style file that should be used by pandoc when formatting citations.
--images No Flag to tell the script if it should extract and rewrite any image links in the source markdown files. The parameter recognizes two values - yes / no. Default is no
--images_in No This parameter must be provided if the --images flag is set to yes. Allows you to specify path(s) to directories where images linked in source markdown files are saved.
This parameter can specified multiple times to include different directories.
Path specified must be for the parent folder to where images are saved. For example if images are saved in /my/images/folder/ (and the image link in the source Markdown file is ![](./folder/my.jpg) then this parameter should be specified as /my/images/.
Use double quotes for paths with spaces when specifying paths on the command line only. The script will handle paths with spaces specified in the config file automatically.
--images_out No This parameter must be provided if the --images flag is set to yes. Specify path to directory where pandoc will store images after extracting them from the source markdown files.
Images will be saved with a filename equal to the file SHA.
The path specified here should be relative to the Hugo site URL - for example /img if images are served from an img folder on the Hugo site.
The script will set the images path after extraction based on the name of the last folder in the path.
For example, if the parameter is set to /my/hugo/images/, the path for images in the output markdown files will be set to /images/.
It is recommended to create a symlink in the same partition as the target directory for markdown files for this purpose.
--filters No Specify pandoc LUA filter names that should be included when running pandoc.
This parameter can specified multiple times to include different filters - note that pandoc processes filters in sequence, so the order is important
-p / --process No Flag to tell the script whether it should process all files in the source directory or only recently modified files.
The parameter supports two values - all or modified
-m / --minutes No Specify in minutes the time-limit for finding recently modified files. Can be used with -p modified option.
If this is not specified, the script will use a default value of 60 minutes.


  • In order to avoid processing wikilinks inside code blocks, the zettel_link_rewriter.py script will ignore lines beginning with 4 spaces. However, this means that a wikilink in a list that is on the 3rd level or deeper will not be converted. In other words:
- [[Level 1 wikilink]] # Will be converted
  - [[Level 2 wikilink]] # Will be converted
    - [[Level 3 wikilink]] # Will *NOT BE* converted
      - Any wikilinks in this level or deeper will also not be converted. 
  • The zettel_hugo_postmaker.py script does not skip wikilinks inside code blocks indented with 4 spaces. Hence:
    #!/usr/bin/env python

    print('Hello world')
    # Here is a [[wikilink]] # Will *ALSO BE* converted