
MyReads - A Book Lending App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MyReads Project

Introduction about the App:

  • Through this project, a user can create their own personal library.

  • The user can further categorize the books as "Currently Reading", or "Read" or as "Want to Read".

  • These books can be organized in different Shelves.

Functionality of the App:

  • The functionality is implemented using "Book" and "Shelf" components in this project. Screenshot

  • The API server and client library provided by Udacity have been used to persist information as the user interacts with the application.

  • Each Book in a shelf has a drop-down that can be used to move the books to different shelves. Screenshot

  • New books can be searched by clicking on the "+" button on the main page of the application. Screenshot

  • On clicking the "+" button, the user is redirected to a new page and the URL is changed from "/" to "/search".

  • The search page has a text input that may be used to find books. As the value of the text input changes, the books that match that query are displayed on the page, along with a control that lets the user add the book to the library.

  • The search page also has a back arrow button to take the user back to the main page.

  • The Route and Link components from "react-router-dom" have been used to handle the routing between the main page and the search page.

  • Necessary checks have been implemented to handle cases where the book's thumbnail or author is empty, so that the app doesn't crash or throw errors.

  • Functionality to move a book between various shelves has been implemented on both the main and the search page.

  • It is also ensured that a book on a bookshelf, has the same state on both the main application page and the search page. Screenshot

Installation and Launching the App:

  • Use the command "npm install" to install all the node packages that are required for the application.
  • Once all the packages are downloaded, use "npm start" to launch the application.
  • Once the application is launched, we can see that the application is up and running on localhost, port 3000 and can be accessed using the URL - http://localhost:3000/ with the title as "My Reads".