
product to find medicines nearby using location-based services.


System to find medicines nearby using location based services

Problem Defination

On analyzing previous researches made on this field it is found that Location-based services are used only to locate pharmacies. But consumers are not provided with the exact availability of their required medicine.

This drawback can be overcome by using the concept of Recommendation where pharmacies connected to a centralized database and medicinal availability is updated in real-time and consumers are provided with exact details of medicines along with alternative suggestions

Proposed Solution

  • By using this system consumers can get medicinal needs on immediate basis. LOCATION BASED & RECOMMENDATION SERVICE helps in overcoming this situation and helps to find the drugs /medicines that is available in nearby pharmacies.

  • If suppose the exact medicine is not available means alternative medicines are recommended using chemical combination of the medicine and achieve them without any meander

  • On providing the availability of medicines/drugs and offers to the nearby locality of the user we effectively supervise rational drug availability and dynamically monitor antimicrobial drugs available in real time. Thus we effectively strengthen E-pharmacy management.



In epidemic times, there was an major issue in transportation of goods & medicines from one location to other. Because of that there was an stress for searching medicines in case emergencies. If medicines/hospitality are not available at right time it leads to major issues(even death of people).

Web Application

The web application is used by the retailer shop owner to register their parmacy and update medicine availability to the system.

Stack used for Website

  • Html css and Js for frontend
  • Node with express.js used as in server side
  • Firebase is used for authentication and DB

Git Branch : web-server

visit page: https://medlocc.herokuapp.com/

Mobile Application

Mobile application is used by normal user to find medicine near to their current location.

Stack used for Mobile app

  • Flutter for mobile app framework
  • Firebase for Database

Git Branch : Mobile-app

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