- 1
how many epochs ?
#396 opened by riyaj8888 - 0
checkpoint loading error
#397 opened by riyaj8888 - 2
- 2
How to prepare my own training data
#390 opened by ArtlyStyles - 0
> 根据前面人的提示,在代码中注释掉关于checkpoint就可以运行了。
#394 opened by qipengh - 1
#393 opened by MA000LLAIN - 1
ssd_notebook.ipynb运行错误 求大佬帮忙解决
#373 opened by chde222 - 9
How to transfer the .ckpt to .pb?
#389 opened by lucky-xu-1994 - 3
tfrecords no such file or directory
#359 opened by slavakung - 2
ValueError: Dimension 0 in both shapes must be equal, but are 412776 and 34928. Shapes are [412776] and [34928]. for 'ssd_losses/Select' (op: 'Select') with input shapes: [34928], [412776], [34928].
#388 opened by BieberZhang - 0
can webcam demo or video demo be supplied?
#392 opened by futureflsl - 1
ValueError:"Can't load save_path when it is None."
#358 opened by yuye-img - 0
loss and map
#391 opened by world2025 - 1
why the result of label is the same answer?
#387 opened by lu-meng-zhe - 4
#377 opened by dongzi19941026 - 2
The loss is not convergent and the test result is poor. It is recommended to use other versions.The loss is not convergent and the test result is poor. It is recommended to use other versions.
#378 opened by dongzi19941026 - 0
more than 21 classes
#386 opened by flthibau - 0
Optimizer epsilon default value too high
#385 opened by anishchopra - 0
ValueError: Cannot reshape a tensor with 3881472 elements to shape [32,84,38,4,21] (8580096 elements) for 'ssd_300_vgg/block4_box/Reshape_1'
#384 opened by Davdi - 0
Clarification: TFE =/= TFX?
#383 opened by mythrandire - 0
Train with 224*224*3 Input
#382 opened by parth1595 - 0
I0313 15:10:55.695348 140095594268544] global step 2290: loss = 24.0642 (4.784 sec/step)
#381 opened by haobabuhaoba - 2
I modified the loss function to get good results.
#366 opened by hccho2 - 0
- 0
- 1
import question, why the model trained by,at last, we can not get anythings after inference?
#349 opened by zmhik - 2
Train your own dataset to report an error, run train_ssd_network to report an error
#376 opened by liu978079474 - 0
tensorflow:Caught OutOfRangeError. Stopping Training. FIFOQueue '_5_prefetch_queue/fifo_queue' is closed and has insufficient elements
#375 opened by ZZZ951008 - 0
input data type
#374 opened by ylqi007 - 0
coco dataset problem
#372 opened by zyz111 - 0
Inference speed is slow?
#371 opened by kunalgoyal9 - 0
Mobilenet SSD?
#370 opened by kunalgoyal9 - 0
version problem
#369 opened by VolleyballBird - 1
- 0
- 5
Unstable loss, extremely low map
#361 opened by chenaifang - 1
This code is not reproducible. Why there are so many stars? If you load it from vgg16, the effect of map is poor.
#365 opened by navy63 - 0
How can use model inception_v3 instead of ssd_300_vgg?
#364 opened by cjaai - 1
- 0] Error reported to Coordinator: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor...
#363 opened by niumeng07 - 0
Is the coordinate position of the detection box upper left corner, lower right corner or upper left corner with width and height?
#362 opened by AndyHon - 0
cannot import name 'pascalvoc to tfrecords'
#360 opened by Pepe-Chen - 1
Is there something wrong in while preprocess_for_train
#357 opened by kingrain213 - 0
not a valid checkpoint
#356 opened by Jnyle - 0
How can i read the tensorboard output
#354 opened by AishuaiYao - 1
low map with ssd-300-voc2017
#347 opened by zmhik - 0
How to add earlystopping to this project?
#353 opened by leavewave - 0
- 0
How is your loss performance
#351 opened by Rayholle - 1
Training a single class detection model
#350 opened by satyajithj