nano library to handle messages sent throught MQTT protocol. It wraps the mqtt.js module
I wanted to create a very lightweight message handler on the top of MQTT. The main goal of this module is to use the power of the MQTT pub/sub model to create sort of chainable nanoservices without too much boilerplate.
Highly inspired by zeit/micro and developit.
npm install --save kifli
- add the following script to your
"scripts": {
"start": "kifli handler.js --broker mqtt://localhost:1883 --topic '/sum' "
- create a
// handler.js
module.exports = ({ publish }) => async ({ topic, payload }) => {
await publish('/sum/result', {result: payload.a + payload.b});
// the handler is automatically subscribed to the /sum topic
// assume that this topic always recevies two numbers (a and b) which shall be sumed
// the handler does its job and publish the result to a /sum/result topic
// imagine you have a handler which is listening to the /sum/result topic...