
A React hook 🎣 for easy form handling

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A React hook 🎣 for easy form handling

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This should be installed as one of your project dependencies:

yarn add another-use-form-hook


npm install --save another-use-form-hook

NOTE: another-use-form-hook only works with react >=16.8, since it is a hook.


This hook is intended to give a full solution for handling forms. From interdependent field value validations (meaning if a field value is dependent on other field value), to submitting the form, and providing information about when the UI should be unresponsive (loading of some kind of async-like operation), in addition to notification "hooks" to be able to inform the users the most efficient way.

To retrieve props for an input field, you have the following options:

  1. Using the form.inputs.{inputType}('name') input prop generator function (inputTypes is one of these)
  2. Using form.fields.{name}.{value|error} and form.handleChange functions

NOTE: The example below is available live at CodeSandbox

Let's see a complex example to understand how it works:

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import useForm from "another-use-form-hook";
import "./styles.css";
 * NOTE: We are using date-fns for this example,
 * but it is absolutly not a requirement.
import { addDays, isAfter, differenceInDays, parseISO } from "date-fns";
const isValidEmail = email => /\w*@\w*\.\w*/.test(email); // Do better 💩

const TODAY = new Date();

const App = () => {
  const form = useForm({
    initialState: {
      email: "",
      arrival: TODAY,
      departure: TODAY
    validators: (fields, isSubmitting) => ({
      // if not submitting, don't throw errors for invalid e-mail, like an empty field
      email: isSubmitting
        ? isValidEmail(fields.email)
        : typeof fields.email === "string",
      // earliest arrival must be tomorrow
      arrival: isAfter(parseISO(fields.arrival), TODAY),
      // earliest departure must be after tomorrow
      departure: isAfter(addDays(parseISO(fields.departure), 1), TODAY),
      // departure must be at least a day after arrival
      minOneNight: isSubmitting
        ? differenceInDays(
          ) >= 1
        : true
    onNotify: (type, reason) => {
      // you can use type and reason to send specific notifications to the user
      switch (type) {
        case "submitError":
          console.error("Form could not be submitted: ", reason);
        case "submitSuccess":
          console.info("Form has been submitted.", reason);
        case "validationErrors":
            "The following problems occurred while validating: ",
    onSubmit: async ({ fields, setLoading, notify }) => {
      try {
        // submitting the form, eg.: fetch("path/to/my/submit")
        const response = await new Promise(resolve => {
          setTimeout(() => {
            console.log("Submitting: ", fields);
          }, 1000);
        notify("submitSuccess", response);
      } catch (error) {
        notify("submitError", error.message);
      } finally {

  return (
    <form onSubmit={form.handleSubmit}>
      {/* option 1 (control all the props with a one-liner)*/}
        <legend>Option 1</legend>

        <label htmlFor="email">
          {form.fields.email.error ? "Invalid" : ""} email
        <input {...form.inputs.email("email")} />

        <label htmlFor="departure">
          {form.fields.arrival.error ? "Invalid" : ""} arrival
          // You can override props by simply defining them last
          onChange={e => form.handleChange(e, ["minOneNight"])}

      {/* option 2 specify id, type, name, value props manually*/}
        <legend>Option 2</legend>
        <label htmlFor="arrival">
          {form.fields.arrival.error ? "Invalid" : ""} arrival
          onChange={e => form.handleChange(e, ["minOneNight"])}

        <label htmlFor="departure">
          {form.fields.departure.error ? "Invalid" : ""} departure
          onChange={e => form.handleChange(e, ["minOneNight"])}

      {/* also from option 1 */}
      <button {...form.inputs.submit()} disabled={form.loading}>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector("#root"));



  useForm(useFormParams: UserFormParams): UseForm


name type description
name string Refer to one of the forms in formProviderProps
initialState object See InitialState
validators function See Validators
onSubmit function See SubmitCallback
onNotify function See NotifyCallback

An object containing the default value of every field in a form.


  initialState: {
    email: "",
    name: "",
    address: "",
    age: 0

If name is defined, you can refer to initialStates.{name} in formProviderProps.


    login: {
      email: "email@example.com",
      password: ""
const form = useForm({name: "login"})
console.log(form.fields.email.value) // email@example.com

This function is invoked before onChange and onSubmit. The former only runs the validations for the changed fields, while the latter runs it on the whole form. For convenience, it is also returned from useForm.

function validators(fields: object, isSubmitting: boolean): Validations
name type description
fields object An object with the same shape as initialState
submitting boolean Set to true, when called before handleSubmit
validations object See Validations

An object containing boolean expressions. Each input field must have at least a corresponding property in this object, but you can define custom ones as well.


  email: submitting
    ? isValidEmail(fields.email)
    : typeof fields.email === "string"

You can also look at the live example.


Invoked when handleSubmit is called and there were no validation issues.

function onSubmit(onSubmitParams: OnSubmitParams): void
name type description
name string Same as name in useFormParams
fields object Validated fields, same shape as initialState
setLoading function Sets the returned loading property of useForm
notify function See NotifyCallback

Invoked if there is a validation error when calling handleChange or handleSubmit. Can be manually triggered on onSubmit by calling notify.

type NotifyType = "validationErrors" | "submitError" | "submitSuccess"
function notify(type: NotifyType, reason: any): void
name type description
type string Type of notification
reason any When type is validationErrors, it is a list of field names, Otherwise you set it to whatever you want.


Look at the live example.


name type description
name string Same as in useFormParams.
fields object See FieldValuesAndErrors
hasErrors boolean For convenience. true if any of the returned fields.{name}.error is true.
handleChange function See ChangeHandler
handleSubmit function See SubmitHandler
loading boolean Controlled by setLoading in onSubmit
inputs object See InputPropGenerators
validators function See Validators

Validated field values and their errors.


  const form = useForm({initialState: {
    email: "email@example.com",
    age: -2
  // {
  //  email: {
  //   value: "email@example.com",
  //   error: false
  //  },
  //  age: {
  //   value: -2,
  //   error: truefields
  //  }
  // }
  console.log(form.hasErrors) // true

You can call this two ways. Either pass an event as the first argument, or a partial fields object. With the latter, you can change multiple values at the same time. E.g.: resetting the form after submit, or any other reason you might have.

function handleChange(event: React.FormEvent, validations: string[]): void
function handleChange(fields: object, validations: string[]): void
name type description
event React.FormEvent Standard event. Using target.{name|value|checked} to infer the intention
fields object Pass a partial fields object, if you want to change multiple values at the same time
validations string[] Which validators you would like to run. If omitted, only validators with the same event/field name will be run


Look at the live example.


Call to submit the form. Before onSubmit is invoked, validators is run for every form field. If there were any errors, notify is invoked with type being validationErrors, and reason a list of form field names.

function handleSubmit(): void

An object, containing properties with the same name as the HTML input types, with some minor differences.

For convenience, since datetime-local contains a hyphen (-) character, it is also exposed as datetimeLocal, to overcome the need of " characters, when accessing it. I.e.:

const form = useForm()
form.inputs.datetimeLocal == form.inputs["datetime-local"]

In addition to the standard input types, there is a select type also available.

Each property is a function:

function inputType(name: string, options: InputTypeOptions): InputPropGeneratorsReturn
name type description
name string The name of a field. Same as the properties of initialState
options object See InputTypeOptions


For examples of all types, you can check this test suite


An optional object

name type description
value string Usually, when using radio buttons, values are static. (Each button in the same group must have different values)
generateProps function Provides name, value and error that can be used to generate additional props. Useful, if you want to avoid using form.fields
formName string If the input type is submit, it can be used to override the name of the form being submitted.


const form = useForm(/*...*/)
// *click on option-2*
console.log(form.fields.radio.value) // option-2
return (
    <input {...inputs.radio('radio', { value: 'option-1' })}/>
    <input {...inputs.radio('radio', { value: 'option-2' })}/>
    {/*You can do it the "traditional" way also*/}
const form = useForm(/*...*/)
      {...form.inputs.email("emailField", {
        generateProps: ({error}) => ({
          className: error ? "email-error" : "email",
    {/*Tip: if your custom Input component takes an error prop, you can try this: */}
    <Input {...form.inputs.email("emailField", {generateProps: _ => _})}/>
    {/* This will spread error to Input as well.*/}

    {/*Or here is a more complex example for a custom Input component*/}
      {...form.inputs.email("emailField", {
        generateProps: ({error, name}) => ({
          label: error ? `Invalid ${name}` : name,
          placeholder: `Type ${name}`

An object that can be spread on a React input like element.

name type description
name string The name of a field. Must be one of the properties in initialState
id string By default, same as name. If input type is radio, it is the same as value, to avoid problems in radio groups where id would be the same
value any The value of the field
onChange function See onChange
checked boolean If input type is checkbox, it is the same as value
onClick function If input type is submit, it is onSubmit


const form = useForm(/*...*/)

return (
    <label htmlFor="emailField">E-mail</label>

    <input {...form.inputs.email("emailField")}/>
    {/* This is the same as */}


  function FormProvider(formProviderProps: FormProviderProps): JSX.Element


name type description
initialStates object Single place to define all initialState for every form. See InitialState
validators object Single place to define all validators for every form. See Validators
onSubmit function Same as onSubmit
onNotify function Same as onNotify
children ReactElement The element you would like to wrap with FormProvider


  function getForms() : Forms


An object containing all the forms' current values in FormProvider. Same shape as initialStates.