
An extension for Hyper to replace the cursor with a cat emoji sequence. Why? Because I was bored.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Not compatible with Hyper 2.x 😿

An extension for Hyper to replace the cursor with a cat emoji sequence. Why? Because I was bored.

Animated gif of a command line interface with a cat emoji animation as cursor


Add hyper-cat-cursor to the plugins array of your .hyper.js file.


You may configure the extension by adding a catCursor object to the .hyper.js file's config object. Use the following options:

catCursor: {
  speed: 3000, // length of the sequence in milliseconds
  fontSize: 60, // font size of the cat in css pixels
  cats: ['🐱', '🙀', '😾', '😿', '😹', '😼', '😺', '😻', '😸', '😽'] // custom cat sequence. only cats are accepted, of course

So you can easily create abominations like this:

Animated gif of a command line interface with a cat emoji animation as cursor