
libsql backend for durabletask-go

Primary LanguageGo

Libsql backend for durabletask-go

To learn more about durabletask-go, see durabletask-go

This is a blatant copy of the sqlite backend implementation with some minor changes to make it work with libsql.

What is durabletask-go?

The Durable Task Framework is a lightweight, embeddable engine for writing durable, fault-tolerant business logic (orchestrations) as ordinary code.

What is Libsql?

libsql is an open source, open contribution fork of SQLite, created and maintained by Turso. Features include:

  • Embedded replicas that allow you to have replicated database inside your app.
  • libSQL server for remote SQLite access, similar to PostgreSQL or MySQL
  • Supports Rust, JavaScript, Python, Go, and more.

There are also various improvements and extensions to the core SQLite:

  • ALTER TABLE extension for modifying column types and constraints
  • Randomized ROWID
  • WebAssembly User Defined Functions
  • Pass down SQL string to virtual table implementation
  • Virtual write-ahead log interface


2 ways to start using libsql server backend.

  • The easiest to get started is to use turso cloud service. See turso for more information.

  • Spin yp your own libsql server backend. See libsql


The example code can be found in example folder.

The example code also features distributed tracing. tracing

Requires the following environment variables to be set:

# For local development
export DURABLETASK_DEMO_DB_HOST=localhost:8181
export DURABLETASK_DEMO_DB_TOKEN=abc1234567890

go run ./example/

If you are using turso, here is the example:

export DURABLETASK_DEMO_DB_HOST=mydb.turso.io

Sample output:

{"time":"2023-12-31T09:28:34.95456265+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"creating the task registry","orchestrator":"SimpleOrchestration"}
{"time":"2023-12-31T09:28:35.361891+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"worker started with backend host: libsql://maximum-spirit-balchua.turso.io"}
{"time":"2023-12-31T09:28:36.229099278+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"fa0208b1-a743-400f-a4db-f36c9f64e425: starting new 'SimpleOrchestration' instance with ID = 'fa0208b1-a743-400f-a4db-f36c9f64e425'."}
{"time":"2023-12-31T09:28:40.429663286+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"fa0208b1-a743-400f-a4db-f36c9f64e425: 'SimpleOrchestration' completed with a COMPLETED status."}
{"time":"2023-12-31T09:28:41.116989021+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"Orchestration completed: [{1 John Doe 30} {4 Lily Smith 35}]"}
{"time":"2023-12-31T09:28:41.117057759+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"backend stopping..."}
{"time":"2023-12-31T09:28:41.117087488+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"workers stopping and draining..."}
{"time":"2023-12-31T09:28:41.117424496+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"orchestration-processor: received cancellation signal"}
{"time":"2023-12-31T09:28:41.117482421+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"orchestration-processor: stopped listening for new work items"}
{"time":"2023-12-31T09:28:41.118393535+08:00","level":"INFO","msg":"activity-processor: received cancellation signal"}