
Sample project to demonstrate KEDA ActiveMQ Artemis Scaler

Primary LanguageJava


Sample project to illustrate how to scale workloads based on ActiveMQ Artemis using KEDA

ActiveMQ Artemis is the Next Generation Message Broker by ActiveMQ


  • Kubernetes cluster
  • KEDA installed. How to install KEDA, check out this link
  • Skaffold - Optional, needed only when you want to build the consumer and producer programs.

Code Organization

consumer - This is a simple SpringBoot project that listens to a queue named test. It simply outputs the message into the console.

producer - This is a process which pumps messages to the queue test. This process runs to completion. To run it in Kubernetes, you can use the Job resource, as shown in the example. This job pumps 1000 messages.

k8s-manifests - This directory contains the necessary manifests to demonstrate the KEDA ActiveMQ Artemis Scaler.


  • artemis-deployment - Deploys ActiveMQ Artemis into Kubernetes. This uses the docker image docker.io/vromero/activemq-artemis:2.6.2. You can checkout more at vromero's github

  • consumer-deployment - Deploys the consumer process. This starts with 0 replica.

  • producer-job.yaml - Runs to completion the producer job to pump messages into the queue.

  • scaledobject-secrets.yaml - This is the KEDA ScaledObject which controls how to scale the consumer workload. This also serves as a sample on how to populate the credentials needed to access Artemis' management endpoint.

  • scaledobject-triggerauth.yaml - This is the KEDA ScaledObject which controls how to scale the consumer workload. This also serves as a sample on how to use KEDA's TriggerAuthentication to connect to Artemis' Management Endpoint to gather the queue metrics.

Configuring ActiveMQ Artemis

To configure ActiveMQ Artemis, there is a ConfigMap defined in the file artemis-deployment.yaml As an example to auto create the queue test with address test

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<configuration xmlns="urn:activemq" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:activemq /schema/artemis-configuration.xsd">

  <core xmlns="urn:activemq:core" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:activemq:core ">
       <address name="test">
         <queue name="test"/>

If in any case you changed the broker address, you need to change the Consumer.java and change the @JmsListener(destination = "test", concurrency = "1"). Same have to be done in the Producer.java code.